Friday, October 19, 2012

That Tube in Our Living Rooms

"I don't watch such crap," she said. "It limits my thinking capacities," she finished and switched channels. The girl was referring to a local soap being aired after the local news. She has a point. Save for the good production design, there's indeed nothing to watch. You would even gag at the sight of young stars acting as poor lasses in full make-up. Digression: Wouldn't it be nice to quarrel and have confrontations with those dresses and accessories and all the make-up? Slapping your enemy would be satisfying...but then you would be spending a lot of time and money going to a salon for a confrontation!

You sometimes admire the talents of these TV soap writers. You were informed by an insider that they have unfinished scripts. They depend on the pulse of the viewers. The TV execs would hire survey firms and people who immerse to the viewing public and record what the viewers prefer! Then, the segment writers would shift stories and inject subplots to the point that the avid viewers would really be satisfied with all the things going on in the story.

But then, you would then be fed up with the twists and turns. As a constant reader, you like being led by the writer to the world he created. The dimensions and parallel universes created would  enthrall you if not make you awestruck. Why should writers compromise their creativity with what the viewers and execs want? Isn't it the reason why one write - to grab the reader/viewer by the collar and let him experience the world he created?

You were exposed to "Smash" produced by Steven Spielberg. This is a story of two wannabe actresses who want to play the role of Marilyn Monroe. The musical numbers are consistent with the plot and the characterizations are real. The concept of understanding Monroe's character being entwined with the lives of the cast is mind blowing. The way the writers have that light-bulb moments while groping for words in a song would not fail to amaze the viewer!

You're not saying that Philippine television is mediocre. There's Patricia Evangelista's "Storyline" and potent documentaries of Kara David, but the bombardment of inartistic prods presented via "It's Showtime" scares the hell out of you. What if all the creative things will be delegated to the viewers? 

Darn...You just have to enjoy the creative movements of Tabitha and Napoleon in "Mobbed".


Monday, September 17, 2012

Power Bashing

Of course, one way or the other, one has experienced being bullied when he/she was still young. We could remember those "powerful" beings in our campus and cringe over the thought of being with them. Bullying has come to the attention of the UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) when the organization floated a questionnaire on corporal punishment happening in the Department of Education being done by teachers. To the surprise of the researchers, bullying by fellow students came first rather than that of teachers...

The DepEd has then ordered a Child Protection Policy which would empower the schools to have specific actions on bullying... This has been acted upon due to the negative effects of bullies to the mental health of their preys. In fact, some resulted to suicide and insanity.

In the vast field of the different campuses, there lies the dark world of those who would constantly pick on persons they think are "lesser mortals". Of course, there are psychological issues and family orientations that would lead us to a discussion til midnight but our sole concern for now are those who give us torturous experiences in the cyberspace. Specifically, those whom we call as BASHERS.

When the social networking sites boomed, we enjoyed and utilized their upsides: fast communications to our friends and loved ones and the influx of information which turned out to become a technology in itself. One of their downsides is the invasion of one's privacy and personal degradations and defamation from those who are not pleased with us. Some of them post hurting words and insulting us to the point that there are few who are traumatized. Of course, others would tell us to ignore the bashes but some of us are not that strong due to individual differences.

Lately, I was scandalized to read a post from a girl who posted insulting words to another girl over a man. Of course, one could already see the personality of this girl by just looking at her pictures and the things in her "timeline"... but to type demeaning words to another human being could really make a reader question the moral fiber of you! Curses and badmouthing were spread over our "homes" and these would create negative ripples in that macro-world!

As a journalist, I need to be responsible with what I post and publish. I understand that there are two sides and these sides must be considered. I need to respect the constitutional rights of my fellow human beings. I have to understand that we have that thirst for power since we are also animals. But we are thinking and feeling animals. But best, we believe that we have a spirit which is anchored to the divine.

Now that the Cyber Crime Law is being signed and approved by the president, I would be assured that I will be protected from these bashers who think that I'm a lesser being. I could continue living in a world ( and in cyberspace for that matter) where respect is for everyone.

For if hurt and abused, at least I could rely on the protection the state is mandated to give me.

(RA 10175 declares as crimes some modern offenses in cyberspace, a few of them with parallels in the Revised Penal Code. These include libel, fraud, piracy of intellectual property, cybersex, violations of the confidentiality and integrity of computer data. - photo:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



The word GUILTY reverberated  as 20 senators gave their verdict yesterday on that historic event where a Chief Justice was being tried. Some cheered especially those who just did for sheer ignorance or, to the word of the dominatrix of the universe, plain stupidity.

For how could we cheer on the turn of events and the sad realities which haunted our living rooms for almost 50 days? There's the truth behind Sen. Miriam Santiago's anger: Mga artista kayo! For how many of our elected officials do their SALN's honestly? Can you give me a percentage of our LGU officials and national employees who did their SALN's perfectly? Are we going to run after them and give what is due to them? Will the ombudsman have the time enough to review and investigate these papers?

Then, there's the reality that we have the likes of Lito Lapid in the senate. We could not question his charisma to the people because even a supermodel of the world in the person of Melanie Marquez fell for him. But his words during the time to give his verdict could have been edited or deleted to save him from promoting pizza. And what about the "t's" of Loren Legarda as she enunciated her words? I could remember giggling so hard when a teacher said: During breakfasT, I always eaT the fruiT frisT... Emphasizing the t's to the point of hilarity.

Also, there was the incompetence of the defense as they presented evidences from a small lady, anonymous accounts and the other articles being cancelled due to the hasty decision to file a complaint. That's probably the reason why the defense team shied away from having a victory party because it could never be a complete victory when there were lapses on their presentations. The viewing public, especially those who underwent keen observations and thinking processes, was also giving its own opinion for the prosecutors and the defense. The prosecution had their lapses as well.

One thing was really learned: We must elect lawmakers who are competent enough in dealing with legislation and interpreting the law intelligently. We don't rely on what we feel but the competence of the person to be placed on the local, provincial and national seats. For how could we not shiver watching someone grope for mere words? We don't even need words but the ideas and intentions for the common good!

I respect the decision of the senators. Led by the competence of Sen. Enrile, the rationales and outbursts of Santiago, the points of Joker Arroyo and the deep analyses of Chiz Escudero, we could say that the trial was smoothly carried by the Senate.

But then again, it's the set of learning that we could consider as the advantage of the proceedings. Democracy is also starting to mature. We need to listen more to our conscience and protect our rights. For, it would be futile if we will be led by persons who won't say MEA CULPA.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Touching our souls

Of course Phillip Phillips wins!

 Much to our desire that Jessica Sanchez would win the much-coveted American Idol award but there are still things to consider like the majority of votes and the pervasive musicality of the contestant.

From the auditions, Phillip was first noticed when he did a cover of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" using his guitar. The sound was so different yet it captured the hearts of not just the judges but the fans as well. His followers mushroomed when he started crooning on the AI stage.

We love Jessica as well. We have that attitude of claiming that she's one of us since her mother is a Filipino. She was even overwhelmed to realize that a lot of Filipino "distant" relatives feigned closeness to their family. We as a people would like her to win to take us from that inferior stage of being an underdog. She represents every Filipino's need to sing to a big audience evident to the karaoke parties we have.

But this love, admiration and resonance could never be equated to different realities:

 1. Jessica is vocally good and has technique but Phillip gives soulful rendetions;

 2. Jessica sounds good with songs of Whitney, Beyonce and Jennifer Holiday but Phillip sounds good with his own songs;

 3. Jessica was almost eliminated but Phillip stayed on the safe grounds all the time;

 4. Phillip used his guitar and did some things to cover songs while Jessica did not use any instrument during the duration of AI.
 Then, there was their rendition of their soon-to-be-recorded single...Phillip's "Home" touched the heart of many and Jessica's was forgettable...

But we are proud of her. When she did that phenomenal duet with Jennifer Holiday, we cringed and cried for the honesty and prowess. We are assured that she has left an indelible mark on the Idol viewers. Most of us felt something. Art was translated on Jessica's voice and Jennifer's growls. Some of our friends caught their breaths and we had goosebumps all over our bodies...

In the end, Jessica will make songs and Phillip will also do the same. Both of them will haunt the airwaves and we will connect to their music.

At least, we've converged as one and Jessica made it happen.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ilansang sa Krus!


"Manny Pacquiao must not use the bible in deciding for his constituents," said Bemz Benedicto of Ang Ladlad. Danton Remoto, also of Ang Ladlad, continued: Miriam Quiambao and Manny Pacquiao are still in that overwhelmed state of being religious for being "newly-converted" that's why they are always quoting the bible...

The discussions on LGBT (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders) issues were resurrected after Manny Pacquiao gave his stand on same-sex marriage. He mentioned verses from Leviticus with key words Sodom and Gomorrah. It was then heard from the grapevine that sports apparel Nike shed bad light on this and the ad campaigns with Pacquiao would be jeopardized if he won't take his words back. The sports company is a supporter of the LGBT cause...

 Prior to this development, discussions on transgenders joining the Miss Universe pageant was the talk of the entertainment industry. Since Miriam Quiambao was a first-runner-up for this pageant, she was guested on the different talk shows for her views. She was in Arnold Clavio's talk show and Boy Abunda's consistently saying to the LGBT's to face the "truth as what the bible is telling". But Donald Trump, the pageant producer already gave his nod on this.

Benedicto and Remoto said that after their stint in Headstart, they would be heading to the COMELEC for the filing for a Party List slot. LGBT issues and concerns must have some legislation since the group claims of being marginalized, they reasoned.

Going back to the use of bible on things like these... Benedicto claims that we have different interpretations of the bible. Remoto even enumerated that having a tattoo; having menstruation and being a woman was considered as sin in itself in the Old Testament. These are things that could either confuse a simple viewer or could make him realize the vastness of a democratic discourse. He could then make his own opinion and create a stand, unique or influenced...

But one thing is for sure - there is a responsibility attached to being eloquent and opinionated. Careful considerations are essential so to maintain respect. If you a popular, a public figure of sorts, influence could be instilled. And talking against a group's convictions could sometimes take away a stash of wealth from Nike or the gay designers won't sponsor your gowns for the next events. But if you believe that you're doing the right thing, who cares about the money and gowns? In fact, it is stated in the bible that we must not cling to earthly things that could be eaten by termites!

Let's leave the discourse to the experts for now. In the end, good things as what God epitomizes will always prevail,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

From Reel to Real


It was a day after Claudine and Raymart, both reared by showbiz families, punched the hell out of a fifty-something Mon Tulfo when I checked-in NAIA 3. I wondered why the airport personnel became a bit strict than the usual... I was uninformed how the two products of showbiz made a scene inside the terminal as if Pablo Santiago is filming an FPJ flick while sister Gretchen cajoling the younger sis to "fight for her rights" by slapping, clawing and shouting obscenities to an old man.

During the press conference that followed, Raymart insisted that his parents did not teach him to hurt elders but he said that it was because Tulfo kicked Claudine first. He had to protect his wife... (by beating him up?). Claudine then showed her legs with an alleged clot caused by Tulfo's kick. Some netizens claimed it was only mud but we could not know...

I don't have anything against the couple but I started to question their rationalities when they filed Child Abuse case to Tulfo. What about the time when Claudine badmouthed the Cebu Pacific personnel while her children were present? Isn't this the root of all the brouhaha? Could this also be a cause for the "trauma" they're insisting that the children are experiencing? A child could be traumatized seeing her mother treat another human being like a "lesser person"!

Yeah Tulfo could be wrong as well. He overheard a commotion near the baggage counter. He saw it was Claudine. His journalistic instinct prompted him to snap some pictures. One element of a news is Prominence. This scene could be news since an award-winning actress is doing something newsworthy. He heard the words and felt empathy for the employee being badmouthed. His anger simmered due to the words he heard especially the time when the actress said that the personnel could be kicked-out of her job due to the actress's connections! Then, the couple got distracted when they saw someone taking pictures. The negative energy was rerouted to the journalist. Negative x plus negative x equals NEGATIVE 2x...He kicked the couple who "thought they own the world" as they approached him with all the high-pitched questions!

Then, that You Tube video...

The thing to annoy me is Claudine's actions when she punched the face of Tulfo while Raymart held him on the neck. Even if a friend already tried to stop Claudine, she continued being ballistic! I'm a bit uninformed about her education. All I remember is her photos donning beautiful clothes by top designers; her being photographed by top photographers and her gracing the covers of expensive magazines... Then we saw her doing those things.

Someone told me it was mother's instinct. The luggage was not with them and there were medicines in the bags. But could we still count her rampage "mother's instinct" where in fact that was another case?

We could all be wrong here. We need to see more videos when the action all started.

Then, I would understand how it feels to be a has-been.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


He was dozing off inside a waiting shed. His clothes were unkempt and dirty, his hair was greasily long, lined with grays and he was holding some empty plastic bottles... In short, he was the stereotyped street person.

You remembered the time when he was still young. He would frequent gambling areas and would mutter sentences in English. He would converse to students who pass by as if to assess their knowledge gained in school. Others would always laugh at him back then... He was considered as a joke.

Now, lots consider him as an inevitable fact in your midst...

You have always been an underdog. When you were in high school, you could never be considered as part of the IN crowd for you'd rather read than go out on the streets. Besides, your mother would not allow you to discover the dark secrets of the streets... You would always feel being outside of the picture those days... That's probably the reason why you have this empathy for the underdogs, the marginalized and the prejudiced.

Yeah, you could blame him for his irresponsibility in handling his wealth way back; you could blame his attitude towards life; his indifference to education; his incapacity to empower himself; his lukewarm treatment of his faith and the like... but could that solve his PRESENT? If you would remind him of those wasted time and resources, could it clothe and feed him?

There are things that we have to consider. These days, we live our lives so fast to cope with the pressing demands of times. We want our internet connections to have that speed similar to the speed  of light, we want to fill in every minute with something that could entertain us, we dislike the word boredom, we like fast vehicles. The person dozing inside a shed must not bother our need to run. Then, one could ask: Why are we running? What's the reason why we always have this urge to be on the fast lane?

Then we point fingers. We find scapegoats. We don't want to be responsible of anything. We blame the government. We blame the local officials. We even blame the weather...

Yes. Sometimes it's easy to talk about these things. You need to pair this complaints with the right action for these would all become blah. Because, as a responsible member of the society, a valid action must be done. You could visit the social welfare officer and ask for help...

Or, you might as well tag along Dodong the barber to give that man a haircut.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Shoot To Kill

It was around 1:30 in the afternoon when gun shots a few meters away from the school reverberated. I heard some students on the 3rd year building shriek for they were on the 2nd floor and saw the incident vividly. I was on the 1st floor trying to finalize the report for our reading program and was waiting for a visitor from the regional office to monitor the said program.

My heart was on my mouth when I saw outside the window an armed man near Abacahan Bridge running for his life. The thing to come to my mind was to protect the children for they might get hurt. Some of the kids were late in coming to school and they were within the area where the shooting happened!

A few minutes passed and a series of gun shots echoed. The vehicles stopped in front of the school and the passengers scurried towards our gate to take refuge. People were running outside the highway, some women were crying as they ran and our students all 1045 of them went out of their class rooms wondering what was happening. I signaled that they have to go back inside their classrooms to protect themselves. The ones near the road cowered. I screamed that they needed to go down to the faculty room and that the teachers will take charge. Some of the girls clung to each other and started crying.

Some meters away, I saw a body on the road and there were more armed men running in different directions. I told the students to close the window and be calm. The thing to worry me most were the ones who were still caught between the crossfire!

Fifteen minutes passed and I started to calm down inside as I saw a group of our students heading towards the school unscathed. They informed me that 3 people were killed and the students near the area were safe.

Words spread like wildfire: It was drug-related. An alleged liquidation tandem was shot by the suspected drug user and some policemen around the vicinity. It was the third shooting incident in the place with similar connotations. One was in front of a local state university and two were near our school.

After the fear subsided, questions whirled in my head like fruits in a blender. If I am the hired killer, what is my criterion to concede to the act to eliminate life? Money? Could I sleep well with money on my pocket and blood on my hands? My constant exposure to FOX's "Criminal Minds" tells me that people who hire killers are power-hungry ones where they act as gods in their own rights. They also think that they are doing the right things... some edge to insanity and and some are simply evil.

In a hushed tone, there were some who said that the people who died deserve their deaths. That's the thing to bother me since this could be heard by the young children and they would consider these dastardly acts as normal. What explanations could I give to my own child if he would ask me questions regarding this issue? How would I debrief my students who experienced the event?

My Christian convictions are inconsistent with what's happening. Killers are not heroes and drug pushers/users are society's perpetrators. But killing is still a mortal sin. I would not point fingers because I'm also guilty of a lot of things but how could I not condemn these acts which could breed to more evil ones? What would become to a society when our future adults would put the law on their hands?

For now, all I could do is to assure those young ones who are still shivering that WE ARE STILL SAFE.

I need to build people even if others are "shattering" their faith.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


What an impertinent answer!” Sen. Miriam Santiago almost screamed to the prosecutor when he failed to give her the answer expected of him. Lots of people who viewed the trial on Live TV cowered when the senator raised hell to the lawyers. A mixture of comments spilled on the social networks and even on the streets. Some even worried that Senator Miriam would have a cardiac arrest since she was under the careful eye of her doctors on hypertension.

But you got her. You may sound a bit biased since you admire her strength and intellect. But the way some lawyers acted and behaved on that court could really raise the blood pressure of a judge on her caliber. She was like a Chemistry teacher who assigned her students to differentiate acids from bases and the kids discussed about water instead. In fact Rep. Niel Tupas, Jr. led the prosecution team in showing some evidences prior to the formal trial yet he was not able to answer some figures asked by the judges. The Senate President also got slighted when he asked the court to be more… loose with the technicalities.

After two weeks, the proceedings became NOT the headlines on the primetime news. Meaning, the people’s interest started to wane down. The marketing strategies of the broadcast moguls started to be focused on other products/news which would sell… (like Grace Ibuna, the partner of Rep. Iggy and the former partner of Gabby, the actor, father of KC and the love interest of Mega some decades ago…)

That’s the problem with us, we forget easily. The stench of death in Iligan and Cagayan de Oro is still as putrid as nightmare yet we started to feast on other issues. But, why not? Aren’t we trained to be like that? How could we linger on these realities when in fact there are other things to face? And how could we remember when the TV is broadcasting on what they consider as the latest news which could be the foundation of our ideas and opinion?

You notice that there’s a slow demise of independent views on issues and even the creation of new concepts and ideas since we rely mostly on TV and immerse on the pre-conceived talk shows. The newspapers are struggling to survive since the young people are now browsing the news websites rather that holding the printed material. Independent thinking could only be developed if there’s an intellectual will to gather and dichotomize information. When we listen to the students in high school, they find it difficult to make stands on societal issues. If ever they could glibly say something, it comes out as secondhand information.

So how could we not be screamed at on the likes of Sen. Miriam who probably devours every law book in print? How could we not be among Vice Ganda’s “Madlang people” when we ourselves patronize the album of Jovit who did covers of Journey than the album of Noel Cabangon who tries to revive the lyrical genius of OPM through “Byahe”?

You should have prepared a trial brief!” So goes the anger of Sen. Santiago… “Do your assignments!” So shouts the brilliant Chemistry teacher. And so you must.

You need to grab that book on the bedside table to exercise your brain rather than being catatonic on the pre-digested stuff on TV. You must introduce your brother to Patricia Evangelista this Sunday through the PDI.

And best, you need to face a personality as stressful as Miriam and be assured not to be said: THIS COLLOQUY MUST END!
