Sunday, September 20, 2020

Old Tree in the Forest


There is a vast forest full of opportunities. The lush vegetation can be threatening to a newly-sprouting plant. Other plants might overshadow it and be deprived of the sunshine needed for photosynthesis; for survival. The plant must endure the challenges around. For it to survive, it must learn how to compete with others. The nutrients from where it is rooted must be consumed for it to grow. In its nature, survival of the fittest is the name of the game.

Other greenness are thriving. There are those who have become trees blooming with flowers. A beautiful sight full of promises is displaying around the forest. Someday, fruits will hang on their branches. Birds and other organisms will flock towards these trees to marvel and feed on the fruits: the result of the trees’ effort to exist… to survive.

The new plant must wait for its time. Moments of endurance and persistence are needed to develop its sturdy stem. The roots must be planted to a very rich and healthy ground for it to thrive. Weeds are there around threatening to overpower and sometimes can weaken the efforts to grow. But then again, endurance must be considered.

Many years will pass and the tree starts to grow tall. Other birds will notice its potential and would soon start visiting the promising branches. The bees will also look forward to the blossoming of the flowers signaled by the buds sprouting on the branches’ tips. But, there will be weeds and parasites which will start destroying the roots and seeping out the nutrients from the bark. The parasites will start to envy the thriving tree. They might as well seep its goodness for their own benefits.

Still, the tree can endure the tests of time. The weather can also be a foe. During stormy days, strong winds break the branches; too much rain loosens the soil the base might be uprooted. The cruel rays of the sun withers the leaves sometimes depriving the tree to produce food for itself… There are times when the tree surrender to its own fate. But it still continues to endure.

After the blooming, fruits come. The birds are now flocking around it. The tree is now one of the famous ones in the area. It is one of the most-visited plants in the forest. Bees, insects and even birds from other parts of the forest are coming over. The struggling tree before is now a celebrated member of the land.

More years will come. The tree will start to become older. The branches will become strong and the barks will thicken. It will become bigger and will create a shade. Ferns and other plants grow beneath it. They will feel protected by the shade of the old tree. The birds will nest on the branches and more insects live and multiply on the different parts.

The old tree in the forest will not mind on these happenings. It is now contented with what it has contributed with its surrounding. Envy and competition are not on its being. They are not important anymore. It will become happy with its help to the smalls plants starting to thrive near it. It will not mind on the birds nesting on its branches. In fact, the tree will be happier with more birds utilizing its branches as their niche. The tree will not mind on the plants and insects living on its different parts. In fact, it will become happier if more of cocoons will be formed on the leaves turning out to become beautiful butterflies soon.

The old tree in the forest will stand proud unafraid of the trials ahead.


We are in this vast forest called life. Whatever phase we are in with our growth process, we need to endure. The weeds and other envious people around must not hamper our growth. We will stand the test of time. The challenges we encounter along the way are as natural as the weather. We allow them to make us stronger.

Our contributions, the fruits of our labor, will be noticed by others. They can even be envied by others. But we must continue to bear fruit. Other people need them to survive. We can help supply the needs of our families and those who are needy.

In the end, we will become that old tree in the forest. We will be there for others. Our main existence will then be dedicated to the development and growth of those who are around us. Our contentment will not be centered on our insecurities but the well-being of others.

It will be a waste of life if we won’t become the old tree in the forest. We must have transcendence and self-actualization and live for the common good.