Friday, June 28, 2024

Magnifying Mistakes of Others




Ever encounter people who automatically look for scapegoats when they commit mistakes? They may blame others, external circumstances, or even the weather. This behavior is often rooted in psychological defense mechanisms.

Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies employed by individuals to cope with reality and maintain self-image. These mechanisms are well-documented in psychological literature. Freud's (1936) theory of defense mechanisms describes how the ego protects itself from anxiety and unacceptable impulses through various unconscious strategies, including denial and rationalization.

Rationalization involves explaining an unacceptable behavior or feeling in a rational or logical manner, avoiding the true reasons for the behavior. Research by Baumeister et al. (1998) has shown that rationalization helps maintain self-esteem by providing socially acceptable explanations for actions. There are individuals who seek to rationalize their errors. Essentially, they are aware of their wrongdoing or avoidance of responsibilities, yet they excel at constructing plausible justifications for their behavior.

But isn’t this fooling oneself? By rationalizing, individuals can avoid confronting uncomfortable truths about themselves. This self-deception helps them preserve self-esteem and avoid feelings of guilt or shame. For example, someone who fails to get a promotion might rationalize the outcome by blaming external factors rather than acknowledging any personal shortcomings.

This defense mechanism is closely linked to the concept of cognitive dissonance, which is the discomfort experienced when holding two conflicting beliefs or behaviors. To reduce this discomfort, individuals often rationalize their actions to align them with their beliefs. Festinger's (1957) theory of cognitive dissonance provides a framework for understanding how rationalization helps in reducing psychological tension.

Yet, the underlying truth remains unchanged. While we may fully deceive ourselves and others with our rationalizations, there exists a deep, intrinsic awareness of the falsehoods we embellish with superficial justifications.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Inside and Out


                                                  (photo: Inday Sara Duterte Facebook page)

She resigned.

There are two things that this writer underscore: the courage of leaving a secured place and the familiarity of an insider.

The Philippine Star reported on June 19, 2024: Vice President Sara Duterte tendered her resignation as Department of Education secretary, dislodging herself from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s Cabinet after a year of flaring political tensions between both of their families. The vice president refused to answer why she stepped down from the position.

Comments on social media were flooded with both fair and unfair comments. Some make sense, others are nonsense.

The reported political tensions between the Duterte and Marcos families could have created a challenging working environment. Power struggles and conflicting interests within the Cabinet may have hindered effective collaboration and governance. The lack of alignment on key policy issues or personal political ambitions could have exacerbated these tensions, leading to her resignation.

Disagreements over educational policies or the administration's approach to education reform may have played a role. As DepEd Secretary, Duterte would have been responsible for significant educational initiatives and reforms. Divergence in visions or strategies with President Marcos Jr. and his administration could have made her position untenable.

And we do not discredit the personal reason she has like family matters as important. The stress and demands of holding dual roles as Vice President and DepEd Secretary are considerable, and personal factors often play a crucial role in such decisions.

Then we hear comments from non-DepEd people questioning her credibility as the secretary of education…

According to Zaccaro et al. (2018), insiders can provide a more accurate and contextualized assessment of a leader's performance, as they are directly involved in the operational dynamics and organizational culture that shape leadership actions. In contrast, non-insiders tend to rely on generalized observations and secondary information, which may lack the depth and specificity required to fully comprehend the intricacies of an individual's tenure and impact within an organization.

As insiders of the Department of Education, we have nuanced understanding of VP Sara’s leadership style, decision-making processes, and specific contributions to educational reforms.

Let us conclude our discussion at this point. The reasons behind her resignation are significant to her personal and political dynamics. We must continue to fulfil our assigned responsibilities. While democracy grants us the freedom to express ourselves, it is imperative that we also commit to thoughtful and informed deliberation of our thoughts.

A lack of informed knowledge poses a significant threat to the freedoms we currently enjoy.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Personal Pursuits



Nahikalimot na pagpalambo nan kaugalingon.

When people sit on their laurels and forget that self-development is a continuum, growth in all aspects will not take place. Incorporating self-development strategies into daily routines can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

Research indicates that individuals who actively pursue self-development tend to have higher levels of job satisfaction and better career prospects (London & Smither, 1999). Additionally, self-development practices, such as mindfulness and reflective practices, have been shown to reduce stress and increase psychological resilience (Shapiro, Brown, & Biegel, 2007).

Lack of motivation or clear goals can hinder self-development efforts; without a sense of purpose, individuals may struggle to maintain the drive needed for continuous improvement.

Self-development is not entirely innate in a person; rather, it is influenced by a combination of intrinsic motivations and external factors. While some individuals may naturally possess a stronger inclination towards personal growth, various studies suggest it is significantly shaped by environmental influences and learned behaviors.

Individuals with a growth mindset, who believe that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning, are more likely to engage in self-development activities (Dweck, 2006). But individuals with a distracted mindset will go astray in improving the self.

Emotional and technological distractions can create constant states of partial attention, reducing the quality of engagement in meaningful activities and limiting deep, reflective thinking (Carr, 2010).

It is in the hands of the person to develop the will to improve oneself. Development of good habits must be self-monitored to further the range of individual capacities. Navigating different prospects of nurturing the self shall be instilled in the mind.

Lifelong learning helps a person stay updated with new information and skills, enhancing personal and professional growth (Kolb, 1984).

By not engaging in self-development, professional stagnation, lower self-esteem, poorer mental health, and weakened social relationships will take place.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Nourishing the Mind



Nagsugod na pagpalyar an utok.

Maybe there are instances when one can feel that their minds are not functioning that much anymore. We oftentimes forget that the mind needs practice all the time. This way it will become more functional especially if we put efforts in making it better.

Engaging in reflective and critical thinking on a regular basis enhances decision-making skills and adaptability. The Harvard Business School mentioned that reflective leadership involves constant self-awareness and introspection, allowing leaders to re-assess their decisions and improve their effectiveness over time.

One key factor why people are not thinking straight is due to the influx of technological distractions like social media and online gaming. When the brain is distracted, several cognitive processes are affected, particularly those related to attention, memory, and critical thinking.

The constant notifications and easy access to social media and other applications create a fragmented attention span, making it difficult for individuals to focus on a single task for an extended period. This phenomenon, often referred to as "continuous partial attention," hampers the brain's ability to engage in deep, focused thinking and problem-solving (Hall, 2022),

Continuous Partial Attention (CPA) is an automatic process that enables people to simultaneously pay attention to several sources of information, whilst scanning for relevant information. It allows people to shift from superficially concentrating on a lot of information to focusing on highly relevant information during a short attention span. This is brought about by the infamous “multitasking”.

In 1998, Linda Stone, a former Apple and Microsoft executive, coined a phrase that gives a name to the crux of our technology-enabled addiction to information: “continuous partial attention.” Through the miniaturization and proliferation of wireless technologies, we now have the ability to become “a node on the network” in order “not to miss anything.”

But there is always a disadvantage to CPA. Research has shown the slow demise of critical thinking and cognition with technology-enabled addiction as the culprit.

The insidious part is that people do not notice their own impairment. They are under the impression that the brain can do more than it is capable of. When in fact, it is degenerating.