Monday, May 17, 2010


What's the truth? We always tell ourselves and others that the truth shall set us free. But what about the realities we fail to acknowledge?

Aldrin wants to be in a quite place. He also needs his space but their meager house would not satisfy such need. They are 10 inside their humble abode. Most of his siblings and himself sleep on the floor. They would even utilize the floor as their dining area when eating time is going to be there...

His feelings could not be shared to his parents for they are always busy looking for food. He would just sulk on a corner and would wish to be somewhere else... How could his parents help him with his turbulent feelings when they would always be quarreling on things related to food and money?

He found refuge in Paul's friendship. He started going to their house and realized how "free" he could be with him. He even looked up to the lenient attitude of Paul's parents towards them.

Aldrin then experienced his first bliss when Paul cajoled him to taste pot. He could sense that all the problems in him would be numbed when he will be in a smoke-induced state. He would sit for hours under the spell of the pot and imagine happy scenes...

After a year, he started to notice that his sleep, even his waking hours are being hounded by fleeting twisted images. He would jolt on his seat or jerk out of slumber land. Lately, he sometimes scream...

Now, he thinks that these monstrous flashes would end once he could inflict some kind of pain to his parents. He really hates it when he would realize that even the dark circles around his eyes are left unnoticed by them.

Or... he could stab someone with his knife tonight to stop the raging emotions inside. They need to be stifled by transference.

Most of the time, he would feel envy when a classmate will laugh.

(Art: Darwin G. Tan)

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