Thursday, June 3, 2010

Parental Guidance

For a straight day sans brownout, Johnlie camped inside his room doing a marathon on the SAW movies on DVD. His eyes were unblinking as he witnessed those decapitated bodies being presented on screen. He even had a hard-on when he saw that woman's breasts being ripped apart. All the blood and fragments of flesh spurting around the scene excited him...

The first and original is the one he really liked. With the twists and turns of the plot, his intellect was tested. His analysis on who the killer might be intensified and had a sort of orgasm at the end when he himself was deceived. It was that dead man at the center of that dingy rest room! He liked the feeling when the main character used a saw in cutting his leg just to help his family... But then again, everything was futile...

The sequel bothered him first. With all those blood and flesh torn made his throat dry. His mother went inside his room with all the screaming from the monitor and nonchalantly asked what he was viewing. "SAW," Johnlie said and his mother nodded... as if the violence and gore onscreen is alright for a fourteen-year-old guy to witness. His father entered his room and asked for some hair gel. He glanced at the screen in time for Mathew's head being smashed by a giant sledgehammer. His father winced a bit but continued to apply gel on his thinning hair. He went out and forgot everything inside his son's room. He failed to comment on the pictures posted on Johnlie's wall with paintings of body parts and photos of animals being slaughtered. The father started to imagine the body of Janice, his teenage mistress...

Johnlie clicked the remote control into freeze. He wanted to see the pain on the face of that girl with her head drilled to the skull. His heat beats intensified as he fumbled for his engorged penis...

The lights flicked on as Johnlie switched off the DVD player. He kept the case of the films with a conspicuous mark on them: Restricted.


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