Monday, October 25, 2010

Castles in the Air

It's funny how we act on situations where power is involved. We like to be up there so that we would belong to a social class where parties, gatherings and fake smiles are projected.

We like to be elected into office for we fancy the title Honorable... Yet, could we indeed tag honor to our names when we do things against the word itself? Who would honor us, the people whom we bought for around eighty pesos or a bar of soap? Could we demand being honored?

You won't linger on a lot of questions. Your teacher in English (who was knighted in England for his prose and poetry) told you to avoid a lot of questions in your copy since it would confuse a reader. But, you could not help yourself but to ask such questions for you might have a headache if you'll contain them all inside your mind...

But then again, you like these characters in your ecosystem. For whom would you perform some sort of a dichotomy if they're not around? You knew long before how they are disgusted with you. They would even curse your existence, and would be happy when some sort of a malady would strike you...

But you like to study their kind too. Mark Gordon could not have the dough without those criminals. Stephen King could not create characters that would give Kathy Bates (Misery), Jack Nicholson(The Shining) and Morgan Freeman (The Shawshank Redemption) critical acclaim for acting... Freud, Jung and other scientist of the mind could have been unheard of.

You are a demon too. You are guilty of a lot of things but you try to be aware of what are these so that you could co-exist. That could be different from plotting things that would lift you to a higher social strata where there are lots of people who struggle to say things which they don't even understand!

Was this the set of thoughts by Thoreau when he decided to stay in Walden Pond? Was that some kind of an escape from a society that was slowly eating his sanity? Was the decision a sort of defeat for him that he could not do anything to correct his observed societal ills? Are there cases of paranoia and messianic thoughts inside you due to such thoughts?

Ah, more questions... Your professor is turning in his grave right now...

Still, like those self-professed honorary persons, you have the right to think what you think. You have the right to believe what to believe and you could choose to be mad if your capacities to hold on to your sanity won't be enough when the voices you hear inside your head would be unbearable...

Anyway, everything would be excusable when people tag you INSANE.

If you have built castles in the air
Your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.

Now, put the foundations under them...

However mean your life is, meet it and live it;
Do not shun it and call it hard names...
- Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

(Photo: F.Cos)

(Postlude: I was struck with the question: What thoughts would I think when I live here? It was so quiet and " away". The place was so serene I was afraid to listen to stillness... But when I saw the eyes of a local, I could sense his contentment... At a distance my students were taking their shots for their photojournalism session...)

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