Tuesday, May 3, 2011

When Blogs Die

When the news that Friendster is going to have an overhaul of their system, you wondered what will happen to your blogs. According to the advisory, the pictures and blogs would be wiped-out. Where would your thoughts go? When the ideas, opinions and other stuff from the mind are immortalized on the virtual memory, they could be considered as snippets of one's soul. So, with the demise of such thoughts, part of the soul would also succumb to the "other" place. But, again, is there a nirvana of sorts in terms of these?

Reading your blogs could sometimes enthrall you. There are ideas which you could not remember having. There are also beautiful words and erroneous syntax... Still, you wonder what prompted you to think about those things. Sometimes, a stimulus could just be a simple event that would mutate into something incomprehensible. There were instances too when the events are too good to be true and you say nothing at all.

You then remember Stephen King's "The Dark Half". You got scared too much when the writer's other half knocked on his doorstep and introduced himself as his pseudonym humanized. Paranoia and other forms of insanity could be traced but then the author was wise enough to allow the reader to imagine that indeed the dark half is true. Paired with the smell of apples and the vivid imagery of sparrows on the cable wires, sleep would be a bit impossible for those who are gifted with clear image projections.

Then, there are instances that you got scared of yourself too. Looking at the humongous bulk of your journals, you sometimes hear them whisper. Since 1986, you were scribbling things on a myriad of feelings, occasions and trivial stuff. When you would dare open them to read some, it seems that they were being written by a different person. probably your dark half...

But you're concerned about them. Even if you get scared sometimes with the way the mind brings you to unimaginable places, you still worry they're going to vanish like cosmic dust...

Digressing, there are men you know who have this scary thing once they'd get drunk. Like a stranger, they would show something that even their friends and their families get amazed with the display of something near the bizarre or even the macabre! After the euphoria, they would put the blame on the alcohol and dismiss everything indifferently.
Now, you realize that multiple personalities live inside you and the people around. There are trigger points when these characters come out in the open. Some are beneficial and others could be harmful... Sometimes, by just thinking about it could cause a headache...

You need to save your soul, er, your files now.

(picture: sodahead.com)


  1. Kalandong ko na maskara, mga mata man baja nan duha ka langgam.

  2. lagi arang kagana na pagkaporma, hehe
