Saturday, December 9, 2017



Every time there is a party being held in the public area for free, young people flock and try to blend in the crowd. The need to belong is present in the way they move and the way they talk to their friends. Here, we could also see how the well-off ones flock like entitled beings on the area. They seem to underscore their presence with signature clothes and the way they talk. Some would even feign eloquence even if their lines are the nightmares of their English teachers.

There was a time when the noisy and “common people” were being glanced sharply by the “educated” ones. But on a macro perspective, they are the products of the society where we all belong. What has become of this generation when the adults point their fingers to the young when in fact they are the products of our own actions? Of course, the young must also be responsible of their actions but what if their movements and lifestyles are being copied from their own parents? 

According to, Parents who form warm relationships with their children and have minimal conflict with them, provide adequate monitoring and supervision, and do not provide models of drug use can protect youth from developing substance use disorders. Lack of strong positive relationships with parents increases involvement with deviant peers, which increases adolescents’ risk for a variety of problems, including precocious transitions, such as early pregnancy, premature independence from parents, and school dropout.

But then, we could not blame the parents who work with hand-to-mouth incomes. They need to concentrate on making a living than deal with the complex way of parenting. This could be thought properly by legislators, health workers and educators to come up with policies that could improve the status on this area of governance where the young people’s lives are at stake.  

Still, this multifaceted act could be done by the person who is in control with his inner self. But then again, it takes capacity-building, or a springboard followed by a shift of philosophy and evaluated actions. These could only be gained through education.That could take an unending discourse to the point that the evolution of education must also be in step with its ecology. 

With this, we could be left with the only thing that we can do. Make our own actions as contributors to the change that we want to happen in the society. Nothing will come out if we complain a lot and do less. In our own micro-world, we could create simple changes that will radiate to others.

By simply affirming and humanizing the young, they will appreciate their own contributions and could probably start a revolution in the heart which will become valid actions to make the world a better place.

Breaking down walls and by not labeling people based on their status, looks, skin color, religious preferences and sexual orientations, these could be the springboard of having "that" envisioned society. Smile. This could make others feel they are important like you.

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