Friday, March 31, 2023

Self Care


Pinta kabootan sa atubangan nimo…

It is common understanding that there are people who can be so good when you are with them but in real life, they’re wolves ready to feed on your personality when you are not around.

Wolves in sheep's clothing come to you camouflaged in kindness and good intentions. At first, they dazzle you. However, they gradually show their claws, with which they subsequently attack your dignity, energy, and self-esteem (Sabater, 2022).

Surely, there are some of us who experienced having been acquainted with people who look and sound so caring and appreciative but eventually destroy you once they have the chance. These selfish and narcissistic individuals do not actually care for others since their world is centered to themselves.

Once you are linked with them in some kind of a friendship, they often tell you to BE LOYAL to them since they are “valuing” your friendship. But why continue torturing yourself if you already know that they are Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing?

It is healthy to leave that circle. Your peace is more important than their fake friendship.

Healthy relationships should be based on equality and respect, not control and power. In a healthy relationship you are not afraid of your friend’s anger, because they are NOT a threat to you. You feel safe, supported, happy, and excited to be around each other.

But when you are feeling the opposite – when you feel intimidated and unhappy, why linger? Isn’t too much to suffer for those who do not deserve your love and affection?

The National Institute of Mental Health mentions that self-care is taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.

So, why linger on toxic relationships? Let go and eventually attain the well-being we all deserve. 

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