Friday, November 17, 2023

Conflict-filled Minds



Uman pirme man igkita nan kalabad?

What you feel and think, you will become. Therefore, if you are a person of bad thoughts, intentions and has a rotten set of values, expect that the universe will also give these negative things to you.

English philosopher James Allen mentioned: “As a man thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.” Stoic and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius said: “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.” And author Earl Nightingale posited: “We become what we think about.”  

In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the sum of one’s actions in their existence’s current and past states, believed to decide their future destinies. With this, the saying was quipped: What goes around comes around.

There is this movement about emptying the mind with negative thoughts through meditation and welcoming all the positive thoughts like gratefulness and intentions of peace and well-being. The proponents believe that the deed can transcend all negative things around.

And that is the difference between peace-loving person and a “war freak”. The former transcends while the latter dwells.

When people achieve transcendence, they have gone beyond ordinary limitations. The word is often used to describe a spiritual or religious state, or a condition of moving beyond physical needs and realities.

The American Psychiatric Association (2020) reported: rumination involves repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress and their causes and consequences. The repetitive, negative aspect of rumination can contribute to the development of depression or anxiety and can worsen existing conditions.

Those who dwell on negative intentions and thoughts and act on them will soon get their rewards: A chaotic life they fairly deserve.

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