Friday, February 22, 2013



It's empowering, alright. When you can freely express what you feel, that could be a liberating experience. When you can air out your opinions without being shushed and without any editing from someone, the feeling is great. But this could edge towards feeding that dark side of you who thirsts for power... that dark half who, if not properly guarded, could be unleashed and distort the real you.

When the use of internet and the social networks peaked, a lot of unheard voices came to the open. For persons who encourage communication, an arena for building ideas was being opened. A lot poured their souls to the screen and let their emotions smear the cyber space. There's nothing wrong with the concept of the freedom of speech... I even had an open mind to those who blog with misspelled and abbreviated words. I kept a democratic thinking for those whose syntax are being filled with phrases and sentences which could not be accepted by my English 101 teacher in college. Someone remarked that the effort of expressing is more important than the grammar and the like... OK.

But bashing and bullying are two different issues. I would really wonder why people are compelled to curse and become mean in an avenue where a lot could misinterpret them. I believe that we have the right to be angry and be hurt but we also have the right to preserve our dignity and the real us by thinking sanely before pounding the keys that would translate our feelings to become words. Why not smash a bottle nearby and see the shards fly rather than unleash that dark half which could be identified to you by the worldwide viewers?

"Our words, even our clothes, masquerade as our identities, they are the things to signal who we are," this is a nifty line from that play on shadows. And that could be the guidepost of our shout-outs and tweets. But who am I to tell you this? There's still that freedom that we are hungry of, right? But what about our relationships? Our fleeting feelings won't be there forever (for isn't it scary to be angry for all eternity?) but the ties that bind us could be constant. Yes we could break them but we could also choose not to.

I've seen a lot of word wars lately. I don't have the right to judge the "warriors". They are passionate enough to make their own stands. I could mind my own business but the ripples reached my habitat. These ripples could bother me as well since the hurt and the angry are PEOPLE. Both of the sides are mothers, fathers, sisters, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters... Why not treasure the real things than that which are only on the emotional level? I could not hug anger. I could not shake hands with hate...

But, I could build bridges rather than walls!

Yes, I could do that and become proactive rather than reactive. There are things to do rather than yack about. I need to translate my words into actions, rather, I need my actions to speak for themselves. 

How could I be credible enough to judge a contemporary dance when I don't know how to do a pirouette?

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