Thursday, May 16, 2013

Creating Ripples

You'll get tired when you persistently pursue something without a game plan. Ok, there are things like serendipity and luck but the main game must be well-planned. The effect whether you got it right or the antithesis of the aim is also different. Pro-active people see this as a win-win situation. Even without the aimed outcome, the lessons learned are worth the while. Anyway, there is a future ahead. But the reactive ones will find more things to find fault with...

After the brouhaha of the past election, you sometimes wonder what would become to those who burned their bridges. Are their lives the same? You accepted long before that your life is a continuum of service. You find meaning of spending your time, treasures and talents in building the capacities of others and extending yourself to those whom others consider as the least, the lost and the last. Your friends find your world boring that they continued to lead a life of their own. And that's it. We are here to find the real MEANING of our existence.

You respect people's views. There are those who lambast others and there are those who empower. One way or the other, they probably find meaning on their actions...

* There are those who spend a lot of time with their families, with their children. You were elated to hear from a mother who told you that she has to spend the precious time with her children because when they reach adolescence, their social needs would heighten and they would choose to be with friends rather than with her. She is maximizing her time with them to build a strong foundation of care, love and affection. Her intentions and deep analyses on parenting are things MEANINGFUL to her.

* You were informed that an acquaintance is trying to become a full-time FB person. He would spend his vacant time looking at the timelines of his friends, viewing pictures, giving comments, liking shout outs and even putting a fight on his convictions. That's his way, anyway. His virtual flights are MEANINGFUL to him rather than the real persons around.

* Your friend is trying to climb the corporate ladder to prove himself, another is spending most of his time in his religious community, one is cajoling his high school friends to build a foundation to help young and deserving students, another is trying to find faults of others by spreading vile rumors, some immerse themselves to books to gain more knowledge... they find MEANING on these.

In the end, we are all the same. It is only our knowledge and wisdom that separate us.

For now, you need to confront the inner you. Your intrapesonal intelligence must be honed so that you could confront your insecurities, wants, needs and capabilities. Doing this leads to maturity. What matters most is YOU and how you influence and affect the persons/things/situations in your ecology. Armed with the universal values, you could never go wrong.

Let us create ripples!

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