Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Netherlands will close 19 of its prisons over the next few years because the cost of maintaining them is too high. The reason why the prisons aren’t cost-efficient, however, is something of a national blessing: thanks to the country’s steadily declining crime rate, thousands of prison cells are going unused. (ultimatefmonline)

There are people whom I know (even former students) who are now incarcerated mostly because of drugs. Some of them were known drug pushers and some are new to the trade but got busted: nipped in the bud. The number of detainees in the BJMP is escalating one would wonder how could they sleep in there.

I visited someone in there one time with my brother. We vowed to do these since the deed is one of the corporal acts of mercy. That was the time when I realized how boring and wasted life could be in there. How could I be productive inside? This was the question to haunt me as I glimpsed the shirtless individuals on the floor behind bars. Is this "hell" on Earth as what those poets are claiming? There are even instances when I'd read my eyes out when I will be stranded in an airport with less things to do. How much more if I will be contained in a claustrophobic space where only dark thoughts can be created?

Is this caused by the weak parenting strategies or the influence of peers?

But then I always adhere to the empowered individual. A person who is strong enough to understands who he is and what are his limitations. He could fail in some areas but not to the point that self-destruction is going to be embraced.

Still, human nature is complex. There are factors to consider why there are persons who thrive on negative deeds and wallow in negative thoughts. There are weaklings who could not bounce and mature since their growth is hampered by parental abuse and mental impairments could be considered.

But that's beyond my point.

I am just worried on what would become of the persons inside the jails with their dignities trampled on the ground. How could one have a shift of mind and become a better person with less opportunities of doing so? I'm always a teacher. My heart is beating with this interest to humanize people for them to become functional beings. But what if the person would choose otherwise?

I still have to visit them. I might give a spark of hope and create more positive ripples.

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