Friday, September 16, 2016



Dexter, not his real name, is a runner. He is not an athlete who dashes on the tracks but a drug dealer. Raffy, not his real name too, is the adult who gives him the contacts. He often brings sachets of "shabu" to those who text him given by Raffy. After the delivery, the minor gets the money and gives it back to the adult. The latter would then give him his commission: a hundred or two. Dexter could then buy something to eat. He even would buy some food for his parents who then eat the meal with gusto.

There was a time when Dexter was invited by Raffy to have a hit with him. Since he got curious about it, he tried the prohibited substance and he liked the high. The act continued and since Raffy is gay, the boy was then exposed to homosexual escapades that he even experienced to be sodomized by the adult.

The dealings continued and his addiction escalated. He was then traded by Raffy to other gays for a fee. The boy learned that in this world, people are going to use you but then it would be OK for a price or two. His values, which were not built on strong foundation anyway, became twisted. The world of the young turned upside down and school became an option.

His adviser was alarmed with his absenteeism and his physical appearance. For weeks, he looked unkempt and pale. His weight has dropped and his clothes looked dirty. He then asked Dexter about his whereabouts and the boy divulged his condition. The teacher was aghast and went to the Guidance Counselor and discussed the case. The latter was alarmed and informed the principal about the situation.

Inside the principal's office, Dexter was silent. His eyes had these empty expression and he got distracted with even the hum of the office's air-conditioning system. The school head did not know where to start... the he said: You're still interested to come to school? The boy answered with unblinking eyes: No. "Why?" the adult continued. "What for?" the minor responded.

Together with the class adviser, the principal went to visit the parents of the boy. The makeshift bridge towards their house seemed to complain with their weight. The smell was not friendly and the people around looked at them as if they were aliens. The house was tilted towards the river and there was a little child crawling on the dusty floor. When the adviser asked the parents if they noticed that Dexter had money most of the time, the mother nodded. "You did not ask him where he got it?" asked the teacher. "No, I'm only interested with the food he brings," the mother quipped.

The principal could not take it anymore and went out of the house. He looked for Dexter and found him inside a shed, sleeping. He looked at the young one and wondered how many boys are like him. He roused the boy. Dexter sat up. The school head was engulfed with pity as looked at the wasted face of the kid...

"Come on, let's eat," the adult said. The boy's eyes lit up and he gave a painful smile.

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