Saturday, July 8, 2017


                                                     (photo: Encyclopedia Britannica)
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle, do not deserve to live."
                                                           - Adolf Hitler

Looking at the weary eyes of the people around, you seem to see a weariness: a collective tiredness of being alive. M. Scott Peck aptly said that life is difficult. So, what is there to do but to fight back and motivate oneself with what he or she considers as meaningful actions? Some psychologists warn you with the so-called repressed depression. This illness manifests when one constantly gratify the self with material things and "good time" with friends and even strangers...

Teachers complain about the burden they carry with the job of nurturing the holistic growth of the learners. The learners air their side by saying that teachers are exposing them to too much work they now fail to learn but just beat the deadlines. The politicians are telling us that legislation is not working since it is difficult to implement them. The majority is saying that the government is not doing something for the common tao. It seems that the 4 P's scheme is still not enough even if other countries consider such as dole out.

But isn't life war in itself? Sun Tzu's masterpiece "The Art of War" is being used not just by companies, organizations and political parties but individuals as well. The wisdom he offered resonates with one's daily struggles. "If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles," so the sage reflected. Therefore, it is but proper to look at your armor and weapons and look for more if you see that you are less-equipped. It is also necessary to know the enemy and look for ways and means in defeating it...Else, it is going to be your weaknesses that could topple you down.

The holocaust told us stories about how Hitler devoured the weak. He even terminated a bunch of people since he considered them as "useless". He dreamed of a generation full of brilliant and physically-endowed persons. He wanted to make a valid contribution to the world by eradicating the ones he considered as unworthy. One would wonder, if I was there at that time, did I die or spared?

You fight. By living the day and putting up a good fight is victory in itself. With all the difficulties looming over us, one often surrenders to defeat. But not for the brave and courageous. Those self-righteous villains will fall but the strong and silent ones are waging their wars in their own ways. Their victories might not be heralded as good but it does not matter. Everything will be fine as another war is going to be faced.

The world needs those people who rise above the challenges. We need leaders who think for their pack. We are rooting for teachers who will do their tasks in molding the young instead of oppressing them. We love students who learn and equip themselves to become future leaders. We dream of political figures who will serve others over themselves... But best, we are aiming to become individuals who are like the phoenix, a beautiful bird rising from the ashes of hot challenges around it.

There will be Hitlers in our midst. But always, they will just become another figure in the history of the brave.

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