Friday, July 14, 2017


When Chito made his appearance onstage, the crowd shouted with glee and started jumping up and down. The lightning threatened rain and the skies seemed to give flashes from that of heavy-powered cameras. Rain was forecast but it did not dampen the excitement of the concert-goers to be immersed with Parokya ni Edgar's music. The young ones who understood the genre wanted to be near the stage and those who were just curious stayed at the back. The band opened with "Boloy" and the crowd went wild. Water from bottles shot up like liquid confetti and the young people (and some old ones) released their angst and became the music.

On the ground, the grass and the beach area, plastic wrappers and soda bottles screamed along with those in the mosh pit. The food stalls continued to dispense food and drinks wrapped and contained in, of course, plastic. You were seeing the event on the sidelines and you were horrified when some girls were spotted doing the act of peeing on the beach area.

Yes, it is nice to let your fears and worries be lost in the moment...

Chito then requested the male viewers to protect and take care of the women near them. He continued that it is not nice to hurt girls for the sake of personal interests. This could be the band's social stand which was given with subtlety. The input could be appreciated but if repeatedly done, poetry would then segue into a sound similar to a fork scraped on blackboard.

The persons who got curious started to lost their interest and faded in the night. Some kids with unkempt hair played ball on the beach and others roamed the area with other things on their mind. 

The epiphany came. We are indeed individually riding our boats and we choose which waters to wade. Others came for the music, others just for the hang of it. There were those who were plainly curious about the event and there were those who just want to get drunk.

You were also there for your own purpose; your own motivations. Even if you prefer Wolfgang or stories of Champ and the rest of Hale, there were those who felt bliss embracing Parokya's lyrics. There were those who came from far places just to witness the event. There were those who gained something due to the influx of people...Best, there were friendships which intensified and reunions were apparent.

What is important is that Boloy did not become Torete and the skies suspended its crying.

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