Saturday, February 2, 2019


Way mosalig. In an organization, resources like people and time are maximized so to have good if not quality outputs. These could be done when managers designate tasks to people whose terms of references must be clear for them to attain the desired goals. Yet, there are those whose work attitudes are not at par with the standards that the managers would opt to assign them with nothing since their outcomes are not good. If there is an output, the processes are marred with negative relationships to the point that feelings are hurt and people get disheartened.

The Mayo Clinic research group defines narcissistic personality disorder as “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. At the workplace, a pathologically narcissistic co-worker can be annoying and frustrating at best, and a serious threat to your career at worst (Preston Ni, 2015).

It is in this light when managers see them as a smear to others and the organization that either they are not assigned with a task or they feign catatonia on the selfish motives of these culprits. You see, narcissists work only for themselves. They see work as a filler for their deep hunger of recognition. The “common good” is alien to them.

Human Resource practitioners often attempt to maximize the capacity of these individuals yet they often fail since the disorder in the heads of these persons always prevail. That is the reason why the mental health law is essential. There is a need for us to have examinations in the head since mental illness is affecting a person’s well-being similar to physical health. If found sick, clinical interventions must be administered so to help the sick ones than continue wreaking havoc to others and the organization per se.

Psychology Today divulges that many narcissists are unable to relate to individuals as equals. They either take an inferior position and defer to you, or a superior position and presume that they’re in some ways better than you. For them, both the superior and inferior postures are calculated to sway you to give them what they want – such is the purpose of relationships to them. They lack the empathy and humanity to treat people simply as equitable human beings.

Then, how can we deal with them especially if they are in the workplace?

First, ignore them. Let them wallow in their own pathetic lives. Let them die with envy as you continue to live a healthy mindset. They are insane you see, and you are sane. But if the go beyond their limits, FIGHT BACK! If they perform character assassination towards you, air out their incapacities as well. Tell the world that THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL. Narcissists could not deal with criticism so they might shy away from you since you are a person who fights back. If they have the capacity to hurt you intentionally, do the same! Anyway, such persons are insignificant in your lives, right? They only feel important but in reality, they are not.

Malkin (2017) said that narcissists weren’t given secure love when growing up. They weren’t appreciated for just being themselves; they were only celebrated for what they achieved. When people can’t count on empathy from those around them, they stop trusting, and they feel ashamed of their normal human frailties. They stop trying to get their emotional needs met from love and instead try to be special — better than others. Better looking, more talented, smarter or more accomplished. They stop trying to soothe their insecurities by relying on people and instead turn to a fantasy self where they are superior.

It is sometimes unfair to realize that these selfish individuals are making us as the outlets of the inadequacies of their parents. We sometimes get depressed due to the oppression they have given to us. Yet the knowledge that they are actually insecure children inside their bodies empowers us not to be affected by them. They are merely products of parental dysfunction. And since they can affect negatively to others, family support and clinical supervision/intervention must be employed.

We continue to do well and try to make REAL achievements. Theirs are fake and glorified ones which they believe are “big” enough.

If ever they will create gossips about us to maliciously destroy our credibility, we are secure in the fact that NO ONE believes them. They are crazy, you know.

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