Sunday, February 24, 2019

Being (In)Sane

Desente. Why the fuss over being cultured? The Urban Dictionary defines this as to have refinement in taste and manners. To be refined, well-educated or awesome. May apply to manners, dress, language or lifestyle. Learned in the way of civilized society.

There are those people in our midst who emits class even if they are not doing anything. Their presence tells us that they have in them some kind of stuff which is refined and aligned to the civilized ways. The minute movements and choice of words allow us to be transported to a world where parental efforts and “breeding” are employed.

Mayne (2018) mentions that it is never good to be unkind to anyone, but it is especially terrible to see adults being insulted intentionally. After all, these folks have life experiences that one should listen to and learn from. Remember that being gracious to everyone, regardless of their age, shows your character.

There are those in our society whose manners and characters are being hampered by their inability to function well due to internal miscues and deficits, It has always been mentioned by psychologists that what comes out of a person is a reflection of his or her internal balance or imbalance. These information must be used by the individuals to straighten himself/herself but if it is helpless, a clinical intervention must be given.

Emily Post, a famous American writer on etiquette, explained that etiquette is something that can be developed by all, regardless of one’s background or socio-economic status. Etiquette, she wrote, involves both ethics and good manners. Her writings pay a great deal of attention to the importance of considering the well-being of others.

According to Ashley Marie (2018), those who display poor manners have poor mental health. Unfortunately, our lack of social graces can negatively affect the welfare of others. When we are rude, short, or temperamental with others, we do not consider how our actions affect those around us. Our gradual loss of social graces has the potential to harm others, sometimes encouraging or reinforcing the development of social anxiety. Bad manners and bad behavior are inexcusable and can have a lasting impact on society.

Aside from the technological distractions, it is saddening that the academe is being hounded by ill-manners. In the basic education sector, a clamor to make Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) to have a comeback is so strong. This is being manifest by the bad manners the young displays. But then, who created the “world” of the young? It is we, the adults. They simply fit in to the spaces we provide for them.

Another potent question to ask is: What if the parents and the teachers are the ones to emit bad manners and skewed culture?

That is why mental health is really a consideration. This writer is really bothered by the thought that people see mental issues as purely linked to depression. There are other major mental health issues like narcissism, power-grabbing, paranoia and other stuff which cause a lot of troubles in organizations.

Rudeness was reported as the chief cause of stress in a recent poll in France. For 60 percent of the French, it is not the debt crisis or persistent double-digit unemployment that stresses them out, but the behavior of other people (Zak, 2012).

An extraordinary triumph of the human species is our ability to extract value from all kinds of relationships with all kinds of people. One never knows when the server at the cafe you frequent might become a neighbor, or romantic partner, or work colleague, or perhaps a friend. Maintaining good relationships with a large number of people broadens our ability to find opportunities to profit from relationships.

But being NOT NICE and improper might lead to a misfortune. What if the one you are being rude at is more mentally-ill than you? He or she might snap and plan for your destruction. In the dark areas and deserted places might await your disaster.

You don’t have to volunteer on a consistent basis or give money to the homeless to be considered a decent human being. You don’t even need to be kind to people all of the time. You just need to be considerate. Somewhat thoughtful. If your goal is to be a slightly better version of yourself with the least amount of effort, be decent (Wahl, 2017).

If you can’t, isolate yourself. Give society a break! Do not muddle. See a shrink. Be sane.

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