Friday, June 17, 2022

Big Heads



Sige kaw sipanmantay sa iban nagkapag gan ton im buhok! What’s with this people who are so fond of looking for the mistakes of others when in fact they are also flawed? Is this some sort of trying to become superior to hide the inferiorities in them?

In the bestselling book of Stephen R. Covey, he mentioned about the circle of influence - the things that concern you that you can do something about. This must be developed as a habit so to become highly effective.

Ergo, there are tendencies that the people who are so concerned outside their circle of influence are NOT effective in their dealings with their personal and professional lives.

By successfully focusing on the things we can influence within our own life, family, or business (e.g. our own actions, behaviors, planning, etc), that impact our own lives directly, we can indirectly have an impact on a larger scale (Abraham, 2020).

Yet, there are those who persist on looking at the mistakes of others forgetting that they themselves need to upgrade themselves to become better persons. Alfred Adler, an early psychologist, in his theory of Individual Psychology defined superiority complex as a reaction to a deep feeling of inferiority.

If people have an unrealistically high sense of self-esteem that’s causing their superiority complex, it can still cause negative mental health effects. A superiority complex is likely to make them feel overconfident in their abilities. They may not work hard enough to achieve their goals, and failure may make them feel especially bad (Brennan, 2021).

This type of overconfidence can also push away other people in the life of those who are overconfident. That is the reason why they are disliked by many.

So, we can start pushing them away from our lives too. If they pester us continuously, they deserve to be pushed literally.

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