Friday, June 3, 2022

The Darkness Within



For a long time, I have been studying Carl Jung’s “The Shadow” to the point that I sometimes feel alarmed if I am edging to obsession. You see, I encountered people who can be good all the way but their dark side sometimes manifest through their words, deeds and intentions.

Can we not control The Shadow taking over the Self?

Complementary to Jung’s idea of the persona, which is “what oneself as well as others thinks one is” [CW9 para 221], the “shadow is that hidden, repressed, for the most part inferior and guilt-laden personality whose ultimate ramifications reach back into the realm of our animal ancestors…It has been believed hitherto that the human shadow was the source of evil.

Listing down what you have done in a journal can lead you to evaluate the deeds and their attached intentions. Journals allow you to reflect and see the flow of your thoughts and ideas. Can you feel a hint of The Shadow in your daily routine?

New Age philosophers believe in the power of ENERGY. They theorize that once you emit and invite positive energy, your life can be better. But if your thoughts and deeds are skewed towards the negative, you will then manifest the darkness… The Shadow.

When in churches, during prayers, intentions are good – positive. If we constantly surround ourselves with goodness, positive things happen and will be felt. But if we invoke the devil through our words, deeds and intentions, it would surely manifest in our lives.

Ergo, Jung’s “Shadow” can be stifled if we are aware that it would rear its ugly head once we surrender to it. He saw quite clearly that failure to recognize, acknowledge and deal with shadow elements is often the root of problems between individuals and within groups and organizations.

Let us be aware of what we are dealing with.

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