Saturday, October 29, 2022

Insecure, Insane



Hilabtonon The moment, they see the fault of others, they make it sound as if it’s the greatest mistake of the century.

All people have insecurities. These are the things that we see in others that we ourselves don’t have. This may come in the form of characteristics, achievements, material things, or even physical appearance. Tan (2016) mentioned that instead of us just being happy for them for the things that they have, we make an effort to find fault in them just so we can get even with them.

There is nothing wrong when one party complains about the actions or attitudes of another, if that complaint is designed to improve the relationship. But when it becomes a habit and such criticisms are meant to hurt and destroy, it can be another story.

When someone presents an idea, finding a flaw or an improvement makes one feel superior. It gives him/her an illusion of knowledge and expertise irrespective of whether the person possess it or not.

Then we go back to the concept of self-improvement by doing things within the sphere of influence. Why not consider your own flaws?

Self-improvement is any activity or goal that enhances quality of life, helps reach one’s full potential or leads persons to realize their dreams. Improving the knowledge, skillset, character or mindset are all good ways to move toward one’s self-improvement goals.

But insecurity is oftentimes undetected. Persons who do not make efforts to perform self-evaluation have the tendency criticizing others to feel good about themselves. They like putting others down so that they can feed their egos. The act of criticizing gives them power. In reality, they have shrunken personalities either caused by their parents or by peers when they were still young.

So what then? Do we just allow these persons to muddle with our lives?

We leave them behind. They are just unimportant facts. Despite the criticisms hurled at us by these detractors, we continue doing the best that we can and keep doing the right thing.

Let them deal with their insecurities which, if not dealt with, will lead to their insanity.

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