Friday, July 28, 2023




Sija da pirme.

There are long discourses on why people can be selfish most of the time. The selfishness manifests when others’ feelings, well-being and circumstances are NOT considered.

Selfishness is a situated desire to act in a way that benefits oneself and violates a prevailing social expectation, such that it disregards the desires of others in the situation.

According to Thomas Hobbes, human nature is inherently selfish and driven by a desire for power. Before civilization, Hobbes said, this selfishness led to anarchy: Each person sought power for themselves, creating an all-out war.

But with the advent of cognition and self-awareness leading Maslow’s theorized actualization, people tend to transcend selfishness. So, what then hampers its attainment?

Self-actualization is the process of becoming. The process is about becoming who you are in terms of self-awareness, fulfillment, appreciation, and satisfaction. Self-actualizers have a high degree of social consciousness. They have concern for the welfare of humankind.

As human beings, it can be challenging to step outside of ourselves with a sense of self-awareness. But when we consider this concept of self-actualization, it's important to understand we need clarity in how we see ourselves and our human potential (Lyons, 2021).

Therefore, it is safe to say that selfish and self-centered individuals barely reach the level of BEING. Maslow even theorized that for this to happen, DEPRIVATION was experienced by these individuals to behave that way.

The main reason why others are not generous of extending themselves to others is because they still feel that they are LACKING.

Because self-actualization involves a strong sense of purpose and self-awareness as well as the imperative that one's basic needs are met, it can be a challenging goal to reach.


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