Friday, September 15, 2023




Akoy pirme matuman!

In human relations, there are people who are dominant. They need to be followed all the time. If not, their world seems to turn upside down. They push people around and wreak havoc on their lives.

PsycCentral said that a dominant personality in a relationship may want to make decisions for you. In some cases, dominant tendencies may lead someone to engage in abusive and toxic relationship behaviors.

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle goes as far as to describe the need to be right as a form of violence. At its mildest, it is inflexibility. At its height, it manifests as dominance. The compulsion to inflict our opinions of the world on another originates in fear. Its opposites are humility and compassion (Landry, 2020).

Is there something wrong with people like these?

Extensive research suggests that externalizing disorders, mania-proneness, and narcissistic traits are related to heightened dominance motivation and behaviors. Mania and narcissistic traits also appear related to inflated self-perceptions of power.

How to have a saner mind once you have companions like these?

A person with a dominant personality feels that they know best, or needs to feel in control. If the issue isn’t really important, it may be a good idea to just let them have their way, at least on the surface.

But inside, you understand that you are not allowing them to manipulate you. You just understand their insanity.

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