Friday, September 22, 2023

Threat to Society



Nagpasingod kibali pagkabuang or amo na gajod?

What is the navigational capacity of the mind to do something bad? What triggers negative values? These are some questions we often ask when we observe someone who is into something hideous and is not capable of feeling remorse.

Guilt is concerned with the negative evaluation of a specific behavior which motivates the person to engage in reparative behavior by making apologies and engaging in attempts to fix the situation. Shame, which is typically characterized by a negative evaluation of the self leads to submission and avoidance and sometimes hostility and retaliation.

But are there instances when guilt and shame are NOT PRESENT in the person?

Early conceptualizations of shame and guilt claimed that shame is a public experience (caused by the reactions of others) while guilt is a private experience (caused by internal conflict about morality) (Ausubel, 1955).

Psychopathy is one of the so-called ‘dark triad’ traits (alongside narcissism and Machiavellianism). It's characterized by superficial charm, impulsivity, extreme confidence (and low anxiety) and cold-heartedness. Those last two features in particular could no doubt contribute to a lack of shame.

The term "psychopath" is used to describe someone who is callous, unemotional, and morally depraved. It is often used in clinical and legal settings to refer to someone who often is egocentric, antisocial, lacking remorse and empathy for others.

These tendencies have been linked to early childhood experiences, including maltreatment, rejection, and lack of parental affection, however, the exact causes are not well-understood (Morin, 2022).

Is this some kind of insanity?

Psychopathy is a mental disorder according to both the Wakefield definition and American Psychiatric Association criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).

Ergo, treatment is a must since these people are threats to the society.


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