Saturday, March 30, 2024

Eyes Wide Open



Nagpasingod sa pagka-marajaw…

One of the main reasons why we do the things that we do is to improve ourselves. We are constantly aiming for a better US.

The psychologist Carl Rogers mentioned that our personalities are composed of a “real self” (who we really are), and an “ideal self” (who we want to be). He posited that we are constantly motivated to pursue behaviors that bring us closer to our ideal self.

Given this thirst to personal development, the individual must have a strong sense of self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who you are as an individual, including your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts (Cherry,2023).

There are many different ways to think about self-awareness, but four keys that are often mentioned included mindfulness, self-compassion, reflection, and feedback.

According to, mindfulness allows people to become more aware of themselves in the present, while compassion allows them to do so without passing judgment on themselves. Reflection and feedback allow people to take what they have learned and improve themselves in order to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Thus, it is more productive to focus on self-improvement rather than try to change other people. Changing them is impossible. They are the ones in control of their lives and you have your own control over yours.

Someone who lacks self-awareness does not understand their own thoughts and feelings or how other people perceive them. People who lack self-awareness always have to be the center of attention, be in control, and frequently make negative comments without a filter (Mueller, 2023).

We are works in progress. Our personal development is our personal effort. Choosing how to react on others who lack self-awareness is a victory on its own. Reacting negatively to their disorganized thoughts might affect the journey to a better self.

Lurking outside your sphere of influence curtails progress. Focusing on your personal development leads you to a better place.

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