Friday, September 6, 2024




Uman pirme man nija tag-isip an ija mga tagbati?

When an individual lacks the ability to manage emotions, they may either become highly reactive when feelings are triggered or fail to grasp the importance of engaging the Thinking Brain in decision-making.

Being emotionally dependent isn't inherently negative, but it can become limiting if it leads to impulsive decisions or a lack of objectivity in critical situations.

Those who haven’t developed strong emotional regulation skills may find it challenging to balance emotions with rational thought. Without the ability to manage or compartmentalize feelings, emotions take control.

The distinction between the Thinking Brain and the Feeling Brain highlights two essential aspects of human cognition: rationality and emotion. The Thinking Brain, often associated with the prefrontal cortex, is responsible for logical reasoning, problem-solving, and long-term planning. It processes information analytically, enabling individuals to make decisions based on facts and evidence rather than immediate emotional responses (Damasio, 1994).

On the other hand, the Feeling Brain, linked to the limbic system, especially the amygdala, governs emotional responses and instincts. It often reacts quickly, driven by desires and fears, without considering long-term consequences (LeDoux, 2000).

While both systems have their unique roles, a balance between the two is crucial for sound decision-making, as over-reliance on either can lead to undesirable outcomes. Excessive rationality might result in emotional detachment, while emotional dominance can lead to impulsive actions (Kahneman, 2011).

Both parts of the brain play essential roles, but many of our life's struggles arise from the Feeling Brain's dominance. We are inherently emotional creatures, and the Feeling Brain is the driver behind most of our decisions, while the Thinking Brain often tries to rationalize or justify those emotions afterward.

While we can't eliminate the influence of the Feeling Brain, we can learn to guide it by developing greater self-awareness and setting values that align with our goals.

People need to acknowledge the power of emotions but not be enslaved by them.

There will always be conflicts among our daily interactions when everything is governed by what we feel. Most of the time, we have to be objective in dealing with the things we are facing.

Otherwise, we will find ourselves perpetually burdened with feelings of discouragement and exhaustion.

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