Saturday, March 10, 2018


                            (photo: Suburban Living Magazine)

Bullies. They exist anywhere. We could not eradicate them from our system. During our elementary days, we often experience being bullied by someone who saw you as “different, small, fragile, queer” or anything they see as NOT normal. A lot of us cower on the power they feign and we often pray that we won’t encounter any of them on the streets or near the classroom.

During the high school years, the bullies continue to hold on to such artificial power for them to feel complete. Later in life, we understand them as insecure people who lack the love, affection and care from their parents or families. We later realize how pitiful their lives are and bullying is the only activity they are good at since academics, skills-oriented events and the affective side are deprived of them.

When young adulthood happens, the bullies feed on body shaming, gossips and even aiming for a better status. Social climbing is not alien to those bullies who deny their meager backgrounds. They will join friends who could be considered as the IN crowd and laugh at the nerds and the “trying-hard”. They could not grasp the idea that studying and perseverance are not disabilities but requisites for success and a secure future.

It is only in adulthood when the bullies realize that the people they bullied are better than them. There are those who are well-off than their meager existence. And that is the sweetest revenge that the bullied one could offer. Inner strength must be developed by the so-called weaklings since this will allow them to become resilient with emotional turmoils. Again, in reality, bullies exist so we need to prepare ourselves for them.

If someone call you UGLY since they feel beautiful/handsome now, let them be. They are prone to be courted in high school since they are physically-attractive. Chances are, they are often in and out of relationships they could never concentrate with the development of their brains. Or, they will get married at an early age since they look good! Later, you will become more beautiful/handsome than them since you could then buy things they could not afford!

If someone tags you FAT, let them be. The reason why you are probably fat is that you have plenty of food provided by your parents. Or, you are genetically-designed to be that. Being fat will not hamper you to pursue your goals. In fact, in a politically-correct environment that we have now, boutiques for plus size persons are thriving. Let them wallow in their ignorance.

There are those who scream FAGGOT to you if you’re gay or queer. You could scream back their grades to their faces or keep your cool. They will be the ones to need your services in the future for make-up or clothes and hair. You could make them look like a fashion victim and tell them that they are NOT worthy of your creations. Or, you could ask for a very expensive fee: those of which they could not afford.

But these things could be unhealthy. The best thing to deal with them is to allow them to wallow in their inefficiencies. They are not better than you. You are better than them. Do not allow depression to assault you since this is counterproductive.

In the meantime, we could sit at the corner and let the “confident” ones have their moments. We could keep our own company and read. We could write on our journals or cut clips. We might as well utilize our time by honing our skills rather than wasting our time on the streets. We could allow them to call us names but we will not get affected.

In the near future, we could have our own laughter, more sincere than their superficial existence. 

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