Saturday, March 24, 2018


Why can’t we be natural? That’s one of the most difficult questions to answer since all of us wear our own masks to conform what is expected of us. There are instances when we even project someone which is really the exact opposite of the person within.

There is this metaphor about the flower. It blooms with all its beauty without any expectation that someone will appreciate it. It is just there in full regalia without any pretensions. When it reaches its time, it wilts and dies a natural death. It may sound insignificant but if we can live our lives similar to it, less pressures and conflict happen.

We dress up and find time to make ourselves presentable so to make others appreciate us. Affirmation seems to be an insatiable hunger that we even try to augment our skin into the fairer hue. We like to “improve” our looks for us to be liked. We dab expensive perfumes to our skin and we buy expensive accessories for us to stand out, to be different.

There are instances that we even acquire education for us to use this as a means of elevating ourselves from others. We like to be on the highest part of the ladder so for power to be acquired. We don’t want to be ignored so we raise our voices to be heard, to be singled-out as intelligent.

In the real sense, we are always enslaved with fear. We are afraid to be rejected that’s the reason why we constantly seek for affirmation. We consider people as our friends if they patronize us. We are afraid to be placed on the margin that is why we do not associate with the marginalized ones. Others might think that we are like them; they might see us like those people so pitiful we will not have a niche in the society.

In the social media sites, we promote ourselves so that people will like us. We are products that need to be packaged; to be ogled and eventually, to be considered as a commodity worth acquiring. The more beautiful ones are the expensive types.

But who is really the inner person? He or she is the one who tries to connect to the divine. With or without religion (which is just a mere path to reach divinity) this faceless person is capable of INNER REFINEMENT which allows him/her to see others as well without labels. In short, there is equity of love, respect, justice and all the universal values among them since they know that the divine resides in all of the people.

But then, we could not help if EGO is going to overpower us since this could be the one which SEEM to motivate us to make our lives better. We give in to the satisfaction of our appetites but fail to understand why. We continue to live a superficial existence trying to convince ourselves that we are doing it right.

Still we embrace the fact that life is a CONTINUUM. It is in this belief that the inner SELF could be discovered if we transcend from the EGO to the inner us. Our journeys could be different in arriving to the direction yet if processes are attuned to the common good, a natural course can be found and trekked.

Just like the flowers on the side roads and wilderness, we bloom without expecting anybody to stop and appreciate us. But inside us, we know that we have contributed something beautiful to the world. When the former insignificance could now be considered as resonating force to be ONE with the universe, that is when life would be meaningful.

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