Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Service and Love

Seeing the students rehearse for their graduation, one could ponder on the efforts their parents displaced for them to arrive this part of their lives. We could sense the difficult times they exerted to come across. The dynamic demand to cope with technology and the expenses they incur to allow their children to be at par with the present standards  could sometimes overwhelm a mere observer. Yet, they were able to do their duties and responsibilities.

We could not discount the efforts of the learners themselves. How many hours did they spend in acquiring knowledge and honing their skills? How many times when they were exposed to stressful situations when they coped with the requirements? They were able to cry on their failures and bounced back. There were even those who gave up and surrendered to mendicancy and hopelessness. But the majority seems to submit to the belief that all would be well if they toil hard.

One way or the other, there are teachers who inspired these young learners. They are those who unconditionally displaced their time, talent and treasures so for the student to reach their full potential. These teachers realized their role in the lives of the learners: that is to love them without anything in return. They see the young ones as the future builders of the community and the country. They see them as the future parents of the children who need to be nurtured. They see the students as the people who will also displace love and affection to others that’s why they give them something of essence: loving service.

Self-mastered parents and teachers help children choose their own goals; They help children visualize the positive results of achieving their own goals and the negative results of not reaching their goals; They remember and employ the power of praise and affirmation to the young; They also help children develop a more positive self-image; And best, they nurture the spirits of the young by allowing them to see the importance of linking oneself to the divine.

The aforementioned things might not be the template for raising and educating young people but they seem to be effective. There are those who lack some of those things and they are having difficult times with their studies. It has been proven by countless studies and researches that there is a significant relationship between parental support and the academic achievement of the learners.

It is in this time of the year when we look back and count the efforts we have in our roles in making the society we belong a better one through our individual efforts. Since we belong to the molding of the learners mind and character, that could be our great contribution to the country we truly love.

Love of people (Maka-Tao), love of country (Maka-Bansa), love for the environment (Maka-Kalikasn) are all attributed to the nurturing powers we have in our hands as parents and teachers. All of these are done because we owe so much from the divine interventions our creator has blessed us. (Maka-Diyos)

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