Friday, August 20, 2021

Everybody Fails...Sometimes


Kay uman kun masajop? No one is perfect. There are instances that we mispronounce a word. But does this mean that we do not know how to speak? Mistakes should be welcomed since these are the stepping stones towards an improved self. What we should be afraid of is the induced “success” which is hollow from the inside out.

Deep Patel (2018) mentioned: Authentic people are self-aware. They avoid blaming others for their own mistakes and accept their strengths and weaknesses. They show vulnerability, opening themselves up to others and connecting with people on a deep level.

Inauthentic people are quite the opposite.

Simply put, inauthentic people are fake. Sometimes people start taking on inauthentic characteristics because they feel pressured to be what they’re not, or they believe it will help them increase their chances of being successful. We all know that appearances are important. But inauthentic people have lost their way, and their phoniness is toxic to themselves and those around them.

That’s why we keep it simple. The understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses is the starting point of success. We enhance our weaknesses and sustain our strengths. We have to put an effort in dealing with these as we journey on. Yes, it is good to dream and be ambitious. Still, we need to put our perspectives on such dreams. We work on them and celebrate our small successes.

Inauthentic people, however, like to show off. They have high opinions of themselves and they want to make sure everyone around them sees how great they are. They view others as being beneath them. They are often the peacock of their group, the one who is strutting and bragging, and who can’t stand it when others show them up. They have wrapped themselves in a bogus façade and they even start to believe their own lies.

Under their carefully curated exterior, however, they may be struggling with low self-esteem and severe insecurity.

Life is what we make it. We have to consider living our lives within our realities. Living on an induced atmosphere won’t allow us to be happy. People will continue to bloat their ego to the point of hurting others and even themselves. There is really a need to have a robust mental well-being to be able to survive in this competitive and fast-changing world.

Fake people often insulate themselves within a clique. These cliques often put social pressure on others to conform to their ideas, which serves to reinforce their preconceived notions. This is because inauthentic people aren’t open-minded and don’t want others to question their motives or ideals (

We have to embrace our weaknesses and correct our own mistakes. By doing so, our gauge of our own success will be meaningful. In the end, it is us who savor our own fortunes NOT others.

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