Friday, October 1, 2021

Inner Power



Padajon lam! It is natural to sometimes feel exhausted. There are times when we seem to give up especially when times get rough. But we now understand that it is now part of our journey to struggle on! The fittest will survive be it physically, psychologically or even spiritually.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient (

It is but normal to be afraid of the unknown enemy. But there are instances that the enemy is within us. We can sometimes bloat our fear to an uncontrollable force. We even make mountains out from anthills. That is why we need to check on our own well-being to be able to endure, to be able to continue struggling and survive in the end.

People were worried about the emotional impact that the loss of loved ones would have on themselves and on their friends and neighbors. Many found it hard to cope with the grief and isolation, and others found it hard to deal with job loss and financial insecurity. Still, the lingering fact is that we have to continue our efforts to make it until the end of this global crisis.

Worrying and welcoming anxiety can lower our immune system. If we allow these things to happen in us, there are greater risks of being unmotivated. Although we are oftentimes contained in our own spaces, we have to look for good things to do. We can read, write, plant, listen to music and be with our friends and family virtually. We can use technology to feel less-pressured.

Prior research shows that positive psychology factors play a significant role in the likelihood of growing stronger through adversity. Intrapersonal variables that prompt growth include positive appraisal and optimism (Prati & Pietrantoni, 2009), reflective modes of thinking (García et al., 2015), capacity for dialectical thinking (Waters & Strauss, 2016), and the process of benefit finding (Danoff-Burg & Revenson, 2005). Positive extra-personal factors that contribute to growth during challengeing times include social support (Scrignaro et al., 2011) and strengths-based parenting (Zavala & Waters, 2020).

Let us endure. We know that we are susceptible to the infection and we are unaware of its presence. But we can follow the government’s moves to lessen the spread and continue to empower ourselves with positive energy for us to survive.

We shy away from depressive episodes by doing productive things. We stay healthy and happy. But best, we need to stay away from situations and people who can induce psychological weakness which will later turn into physical weakness. We FIGHT!



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