Friday, November 12, 2021

We Define It


Hinay-hinay lamang… Success is a mindset. It is not about what you attain or what others think about you. It is all about the meaning it has put in your life – a satisfaction that you feel out from the efforts you exerted to fulfill your envisioned life.

Successful people always find motivation to keep going no matter what’s happening around them or within them. That’s one of their differences from everyone else. Successful people have the drive to move forward. They channel their time, effort and energy towards their life goals. Each of us is unique. We have our motivations to do things to achieve our goals. But regardless, all goals require an effort. That’s why we need to get ourselves into that action so that we can direct our efforts toward them. For that, we need motivation (Nhan, 2020).

Psychologists believe that these are the common things that motivate a person: Money and Rewards; Desire to be the Best; Helping Others; Power and Fame; Recognition; and Passion. Adults and self-actualized persons must understand what pushes them towards the inclination to do something so that they can weigh their options. Else, they will be experiencing crises and will eventually lead to conflicting situations. Once in control, the person can embrace humility and understand his worth.

Research is clear that passion and creativity work together to produce drive. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience demonstrated that the more inspired participants felt during a given activity, the more activated their amygdala (the emotional center of the brain) became. People are ultimately guided by their own values – not by other people’s attempts to control their behavior or even by external circumstances. This applies whether you want to know what motivates you to work hard, achieve certain goals or change anything about yourself.

The importance of understanding your drives is clear: It will lead to a happier life. You see, all of us have these motivations to work out towards our defined success. Without a deep self-knowledge, a big tendency is that people will drift. That is if they do not understand where they are going.

Again, justifications come in. There are some of us who whitewash the real reasons into something “grand” not realizing that we are concealing the real issue. We lie to ourselves and convince others about our own lies. But in the end, our conscience prevails.

Life is short. We have to define who we are and what do we want. In this case, even the simple sentence we have written on our notebooks is success in itself.

We create success every minute of the day!

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