Friday, January 7, 2022

The Real Enemy



Tanan tawo kontra! Mayaot sila tanan!. It is sometimes disorienting to hear people give comments and opinions about others on the negative. Yes, it is true that we all have some sort of imperfections but to look at others as “the enemy” is unhealthy. Ever meet these persons who have negative observations to others? We often wonder what are their orientations and childhood experiences.

"Your perceptions of others reveal so much about your own personality," says Dustin Wood, assistant professor of psychology at Wake Forest and lead author of the study, about his findings. By asking study participants to each rate positive and negative characteristics of just three people, the researchers were able to find out important information about the rater's well-being, mental health, social attitudes and how they were judged by others.

The study also found that how positively you see other people shows how satisfied you are with your own life, and how much you are liked by others. On the other side, if you see the flaws of the people all the time, you are actually manifesting dissatisfaction of your life and how you are DISLIKED by others.

The research also suggests that the level of negativity the rater uses in describing the other person may indeed indicate that the other person has negative characteristics, but may also be a tip off that the rater is unhappy, disagreeable, neurotic -- or has other negative personality traits.


With the worldwide concern about mental health, it is indeed worth pondering if we have these characteristics. You see, mental health is not just focused on depression as what many are seeing such. This writer believes that a robust self-understanding is needed to have better personal development which leads to better communities. With the denial of the person about what s/he is thinking, self-development won’t take place. The negative acts will create ripples of chaos in the small to the big communities.

There are times when we do NOT just keep quiet and understand them. There are times that we can tell them straight on their face HOW CRAZY they are. By doing so, they might have the realization and proceed to taking clinical steps for healing.

Life is supposed to be peaceful…not chaotic.

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