Friday, January 28, 2022

Those With Superpowers



Kun manulti amo da sab sin-o! Ever encounter these persons who seems to know everything? They often say things as if the world is designed ONLY for them. They do not understand that they are feigning a sense of entitlement because they want to do it their way. They cannot understand the concept of the COMMON GOOD since they only consider themselves. The scary thing is that they are all over including the public offices!

A sense of entitlement (Cuncic, 2021) is a personality characteristic based on the belief that someone deserves special treatment or recognition for something they didn't earn. In other words, people with this mindset believe that the world owes them without ever giving anything in return.

People with a sense of entitlement expect to get preferential treatment and special favors in life, without regard for why they should be treated specially. Their view is "the world owes me." For example, they might feel that the policies of an organization should not apply to them because they should be treated with special favors.

They act like victims and blame other people or outside forces for their problems.

While the person with a sense of entitlement may come across as arrogant or confident, this can be a cover-up for underlying insecurity or fear of not having enough admiration, resources, or support.

Entitled people have a tendency to adopt goals based around their own self-image, often leading them into conflict with others (Moeller, 2018). While they may be able to put up an exterior of being nice and well-mannered on the outside, research shows that it's all just for show; deep down inside this is not how they truly feel about themselves or other individuals around them.

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University found that entitled people are more likely to experience chronic disappointment, unmet expectations, and a self-reinforcing cycle of behavior which puts them at risk for harm psychologically or socially.

When people think of themselves as superior, anything that challenges their worldview is met with defensiveness and anger. This creates a vicious cycle: the more they are challenged by society's limitations, the angrier they become at these injustices (Cuncic, 2021).

The world deserves more peace. We can push them away from our ecology. If they are entitled believing that they are better, we are also entitled to live a peaceful life. Let them wallow on their inadequacies. We deserve better.

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