Friday, February 4, 2022

Loud and Proud


                                                   (image: AZ quotes)

Arang dajon kahamok mahisulti! We sometimes wonder what is the source of confidence of the people we once knew who are now feigning a sense of entitlement and power over us. These persons seem to have found a cure to societal ills that they often air their opinions even if these are unfounded and can be the nightmare of researchers.

Yes, we are all have the freedom to express ourselves since we live in a democratic society. But freedom has moral judgment as the foundation. There are times when all we have to do is absorb everything and weigh things out. The outbursts that we do can sometimes be a gauge of how we have applied our education. The will to stay “cool” is a testament of one’s effort to act civilized.

If you are a reactive person, according to, you're always ready to react but not to act on your own. You're rather lifeless unless something or someone else causes you to do act.

That is the reason why these persons are loud. They have this defense mechanism of raising their voices or become angry when something is introduced to them which will shatter their immobility. You see, the opposite of creativity is the resistance to do something.

Brandt (2018) mentioned: When you’re reactive, your feelings depend on external events outside your influence or control. Whether you have a good or bad day depends entirely on what happens to you and around you. The weather, what your boss says about your presentation, what mood your partner is in when you get home, how your favorite team played: All these outside things control your emotions; you don’t. And when your actions are based on your feelings — which they usually are — you’re in dangerous reactive behavior territory. Everything you do is someone else’s fault. You’re not in control of your life.

But these persons exist. We cannot erase them from our ecology since they are the products of their environment and the way they were raised. If they are adults and won’t allow dynamic changes to happen “in” them, we cannot do anything since it is their choice.

But when they will go overboard, we sometimes have to unleash our defenses and punch their insensibilities to their faces. If they have the right to air themselves out, we have the same rights like them.

Yet, we need NOT BE LIKE THEM.

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