Friday, February 11, 2022



Kun bright kaw hampan ako dili, pero imo baro yay plantsa! People find flaws based on their feigned standards. Not realizing that their criteria of being “perfect” are different from others. You see, some are critical on others’ grammar use but their skin is not moisturized. The former can be laughable for a set of people yet the latter can also cause the feeling of chagrin from others. We have different strengths and weaknesses. We need to co-exist.

J. Strelau mentioned that people develop their unique traits/characteristics and patterns of behavior due to their genetic makeup and the environment in which they are brought up. Individual differences occur due to interaction of genetic and environmental factors. We inherit certain characteristics from our parents through genetic codes. Also, the environment is responsible as how we are reared, the kind of atmosphere at house, whether it is liberal or strict, the type of education that we get, what we learn from people, around us, books, cultural practices, peers, teachers and media.

Therefore, the way we think differs. The way you spend your life is different from others. Your ways might be ideal but others do not think the way you do. It is just unsettling to realize that there are people in the society who like the concept of prescribing the “right ways” to others not realizing that their own ways are NOT aligned with what the individuals prefer.

Keith Webb aptly says it: If people were machines, then we could just tell them what to do, and they’d do it. Machines are limited. People are much more capable, creative, and intelligent. When we’re trying to get people to follow our directions, we see their intelligence as a problem. One of my old bosses used to say, “I’m not paying you to think. I’m paying you to do what I tell you to do.”

That’s why we focus on how to improve ourselves (our circle of influence and control). If we are already mentally-capable since we can now understand the concept of interstellar Physics, we can focus on the dirt on our backyards – the literal ones. We might be very efficient with managing our resources but our clothes might need some mending. We may be rich but we might be morally poor.

A lack of information is rarely the problem. So, telling people what to do won’t help.

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