Friday, March 18, 2022

Allow Us To Choose


Bolok kibali an di kun parehas sa imo kandidato? What is the gauge of intelligence? How to measure someone else’s mental competence? Is it through your biased criteria, or something more?

People seem to regain their power when the elections come. Much is true that the individual has the power to choose his/her own leader but it is another story when you discredit others with their own power to choose.

Why is it that “normal” people seem to have their own opinions and judgments this time? Before, you cannot hear them have their opinions on world peace, climate change and the evils of using plastic. But around this time, they even make enemies due to their convictions to vote for someone. It is as if the world must be aligned to their choice forgetting that each person has the freedom to choose.

People are choosing candidate to whom they can “relate” and who is popular and well-groomed in social media. A lot even believe the thwarted stories presented on online platforms.

Social media-borne misinformation threatens to sow further division in Philippine society and politics. As such, the 2022 elections will be a tough fight for each candidate. The right balance of outrage, virality, misinformation, and trolling might be enough to tip the scales in any candidate’s favor as only a bare plurality is required to win the presidency (Quitzon, 2021).

It is also on these sites where one can see “word war” against each other based on their chosen candidates. They even resort to name-calling and stereotyping which are things to be alarmed for. You see, these are psychological constructs which can have some causes to be considered for mental health issues.

There must be an understanding between people that if one is free to choose your candidate, it is true to all. Others’ choices might not conform with yours but that is the way they perform their freedom to choose. These are based on their value system and the way they perceive on the candidates’ capacity and political platforms.

Yes, you are free to express yourself, but your freedom must be aligned with the universal values. When you perform name-calling, check on your intentions. You might have a personality disorder.

If one will just have to accept the fact that there are individual things to do in the future, we can be empowered persons who work on the things that we can control. What would you do after May 9? You might be busy burning bridges today it will be difficult to move forward next time.

Meaningful things are within your reach. Nurture relationships. Build rather than destroy.


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