Friday, March 4, 2022




Umay sikaging-ging mo? Ya man kaw siguro unha? One of the most offensive things to happen in one’s life is when others muddle on their personal lives. This will lead to contempt and relationships will be broken once others come in to the private lives of others uninvited.

Minding one’s business, at its heart, is focusing on what the person can control and letting go of what he/she can’t. It is taking responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions, and letting other people take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. So often people try to control other people, control the world around them, and basically control everything and everyone but themselves. Ironically, the only thing a person CAN control is their own self (Philipson, 2021).

Being judgmental is a destructive approach that keeps a person’s mind in a gloomy state all the time. These people constantly think about the things that are not their concern.  All human beings are free to live and nobody has given others the mandate to perceive things according to their mentality.

It has been constantly mentioned that we can live better once we focus on our sphere of influence rather than things that we cannot control. And our individual lives are the ones that we can focus in to. The lives of others cannot be changed by us since it’s the persons’ choice to do so, not ours. Yes, we can give friendly advices but that is all that we can do. The actions will be done by them.

Prevost (2012) mentioned that control freaks rarely know that they are one. They believe that they are helping people with their "constructive criticism" or taking over a project because "no one else will do it right." They don't see their controlling behaviors as symptoms of what's really going on their own anxiety has run amok.

Most control freaks believe they know what is best for everyone and they try to convince other people to do things differently. Whether they lecture, become aggressive, or manipulate things behind the scenes, they want to make other people act a certain way.

But they do not realize, it is their own lives they CANNOT control.

Ergo, face a full-length mirror and look for the things that you need to control on and within yourself. Others’ lives are their responsibilities. Yes, you are your brother’s keeper. But to be an effective consultant, you need to iron-out everything in your life first.

Sika-hilabot mo dakan.

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