Friday, March 11, 2022

Too Much Noise

Kahamok na reklamo! Ever encountered people who complain a lot? These are annoying ones. Basically, there is something deeper than their complaints. Those who are exasperated with everything are unhappy. Those who complain about their work instead of appreciating it are probably incompetent.

Complaining creates a number of dysfunctional side effects: It creates factions, prevents or delays — because it replaces — productive engagement, reinforces and strengthens dissatisfaction, riles up others, breaks trust, and, potentially, makes the complainer appear negative. We become the cancer we’re complaining about; the negative influence that seeps into the culture (Bregman, 2018).

People want to be comfortable all the time. They cannot imagine sacrificing, or extending a mile, since they seem to gravitate on the things that they can get, not the ones that they can give. There are also those who cannot go out of the SELF and become weary when they proceed to serving others.

According to Harvard Business Review, chronic complainers in the workplace are toxic not only to themselves but also to the people around them.  A habit often formed in childhood, it arises from a need for validation and attention and over time can alter the neural pathways in the brain and become a part of the personality, which makes it hard to deal with.

It is sometimes disturbing to notice that these types willingly receive benefits and bonuses and yet would go on complaining. There are also those who can be incompetent yet their murmurs are more loud than their accomplishments. Indeed, childhood affirmation must be felt since it will become a strong cause of insecurity in adulthood.

According to new a research published in the European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, while venting and complaining about something or someone may give you that temporary relief, dwelling on its negative energy actually makes you feel worse. More specifically, if you find yourself engaging in the complaints and criticisms, this mindset will cement that negative event in your head, severely affecting your ability to focus, work and be productive.

There is a need to air-out things which are beyond the boundaries. We can cry out FOUL on injustice and morally-thwarted issues and things. But to make complaining as part of one’s system is another story.

Pilay pusta, di lagi kun abtik jaon hamok na satsat!

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