Friday, August 19, 2022

Expand Your Horizons


Di kun hilabian da ad-on na gugma? Have you thought about the fearsome message brought by the song which goes: I can’t live without you? Isn’t it too much to surrender your happiness to another person?

Self-reliance, in its most basic form, is having the skills required and confidence in your ability to meet your needs without dependence on others (Jenkins, 2020).

Our emotions (like attraction to the opposite or similar sex) is within the boundaries of our control. This is what Covey mentions as something within our sphere of influence. We cannot control the feeling of others towards us, but we can control our reactions and actions towards how others deal with us.

Emotions might be harmful when they are excessive. Emotional excess is harmful for the same reasons that other kinds of excess are harmful. As in other emotions, excessiveness in love can impede the lover from seeing a broader perspective. Even normal cases of romantic love tend to create a narrow temporal perspective that focuses on the beloved and is often oblivious to other considerations (Ben-Zeev, 2009).

There are those people who limit themselves with their significant others as their sole companion. They cannot expand their view of the world since their exposure is limited to their created small circle. Others cannot even go out to have adventures and travels since they are being restricted by their lovers!

Spending your time giving too much love to someone else might cause you to neglect yourself. If all of your energy is put toward spending time with your romantic partner and showing them affection, the other areas of your life are going to suffer. Life shouldn't be focused only on one thing (Porter, 2022).

Breathe. Love yourself first. There are billions of people in this planet. Do not allow someone to limit your worth. No one must take away your peace and happiness. You need to be in control with them. Not others.

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