Friday, August 26, 2022




Panhibay-anan nila, amo da sab sin-o! There are people who judge you through the things they see and hear about you. But they do not know where you come from. They are unaware of your value systems and most of the time, they are so busy looking for the mistakes of others they forget to look into their own weaknesses.

"How easy it is to criticize others," Pope Francis said. "There are some people who seem to have a degree in tattling, criticizing others every day. Hey, look in the mirror" and reflect on one's own weaknesses and fragility.

Some common synonyms of faultfinding are captious, carping, censorious, critical, and hypercritical. While all these words mean "inclined to look for and point out faults and defects," faultfinding implies a querulous or exacting temperament. a faultfinding reviewer.

Yet, Psychology is telling us that these people are actually projecting their faults to others so they won’t have the time looking into their pathetic selves. They like to look for other’s flaws since they know deep inside that they are also flawed and have errors of their own.

The self-righteous and smug thoughts that can provide a fleeting emotional boost, don’t lead to happiness.

According to Watson (2021): In essence we become intolerant of the weaknesses of others, in turn distorting the way we may view our own faults. From time to time I think we can all be a little prone to look at the weaknesses, limitations and failings of others.

The world is vast. We can change it through the spaces IN us. We have to start changing our own ways so to create a ripple of goodness to the greater space around us.

For those who constantly peer into others’ lives, let us gift them with mirrors. Better, let us surround them with everything that gives them clear reflections of themselves.

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