Friday, September 2, 2022

The Real Winners



Uman an bala man noon an hamok na reklamo? An mga bagtik noon di magbujong! Is this some sort of a defense mechanism?

Complaining isn’t all bad.  Occasional venting and expression of negative emotions to a colleague about difficult situations allow us to get our concerns out into the open, and in doing so, lessen possible stress reactions. Repressing our feelings may stop us from naming our problem and getting to the bottom of it. People also complain in order to feel better about themselves (de Vries, 2021).

But complaints can also be used as a way to exercise power and influence perceptions. Especially within organizations, which can be hotbeds of political games, people use complaining in order to get people’s support.

According to the Harvard Business Review: In many cases, chronic complaining starts early in life, as a means of gaining visibility and establishing rapport in the family. These early experiences can become deeply ingrained patterns of behavior.

Some griping is healthy, says Dr. Guy Winch — but too much can fill us with constant stress hormones. It can also infect those around us with our negativity, he adds.” We are just really stressing ourselves out and having a really negative perception of the world, and there’s a price you pay for that,” he says.

On the other side of the fence, there are those who are resilient and performing their work as silently as they can. They are slaying the challenges like David toppling down a Goliath.

Research has shown that resiliency is pretty common. People tend to demonstrate resilience more often than you think. Demonstrating resiliency doesn’t necessarily mean that you have not suffered difficulty or distress. It also doesn’t mean you have not experienced emotional pain or sadness. The road to resilience is often paved with emotional stress and strain (Riopel, 2019).

Yet, the development of the coping strategies is the main accomplishment of these people. These coping mechanisms are being used every time they encounter challenges keeping them quiet and focused on the goal. These people then become the silent winners since they gain out from the encounters rather than complain about them.

Everywhere, you encounter those who are noisy and those who are quietly slaying their weaknesses. Later, these silent ones are the real victors manifesting on their life and work accomplishments.

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