Friday, August 12, 2022



Nagwagit da an agi! Isn’t it good to have organized schedules and well-kept surrounding? You see, there are people whose organization skills are evident on the way they arrange the contents of their bags to the plans that they do for the day.

An organized personality is a person who is naturally neat, punctual and detailed. Their habits and behaviors in life and at work are ordered, planned and efficient. They have natural organizational skills that other personality types might have to work to develop (, 2021).

Psychological science tells us that we cannot control our external circumstances, but we can control our internal circumstances (our homes, our spaces) we will have better outcomes with regards to controlling our thoughts and emotions as well.

Clutter is not good. People often question others when they see their homes in disarray. When leaders also push people to situations where there are no foundations and clear-cut plans, subordinates will then be stressed-out with the mess.

The thing about organization is, it is not just about where things go, or the system you use to organize your space, it’s about the WHY. Understanding why you want to organize your day and the days ahead is just as important as understanding how to do it.

Then, the hideous part is when these disorganized persons will try to muddle with you. They will even accuse you of things which you are not guilty of. Their disorganized thoughts will have this mental projection that you are NOT efficient enough on coping with their spur-of-the-moment ideas!

Again, we fortify our personalities by believing on the things that we consider as OK anchored to the greater good.

Let us de-stress by de-cluttering.

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