Saturday, November 26, 2022

In Tact


Kilaya kaw jaon maningog da lamang nan yay torapak? These persons often hurt the feelings of others for their tactlessness. Worse, there are those who simply do not care about the feelings of others.

The operational definition of tact is a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations. It is a sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing.

People who do not have tact is of course, tactless.

Often, people who come across as rude, arrogant or tactless have many underlying issues. People who are generally happy, content and satisfied with their lives don’t project negativity onto others on a regular basis. When someone is tactless or rude, you can safely assume that they are dysfunctional within themselves on some level (Kloppers, 2021)

Many develop personality disorders which influences them as adults. They learn to distrust others and never let their guard down. Some learn that the best defense is to attack. Narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths come from disturbed childhoods. Genetics also play a part and the mix of genetics and environment can result in an explosive combination of nastiness (thoughtsonlifeandlove,com).

These people exist. They sometimes are within our areas. They often annoy us especially when they constantly display their distasteful behavior. Although we understand that they were pathetically raised by their parents, this can never be an excuse for them to hurt us.

If they constantly attack, we can magnify their flaws out loud. We can give them a dose of their own medicine. Sometimes, it is TACT when we deal with difficult people.

We can also speak their language.

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