Friday, February 24, 2023



Maglagot sija kun kalabwan isan na kun hamok ganahn sa iban kay sa ija! There are people you know who will be irked when they notice that someone is more appreciated than them.

Envy is the personal pain caused by the desire for the advantages of others. In Envy is mean and miserly, and arguably the most shameful of the deadly sins (Burton, 2014).

But there are those people who tend to hurt others due to their envy. This is when HOSTILE ENVY is developed by people starting from a young age.

Hostile envy occurs when you feel angry and want the other person to fail in some way. You might criticize their success or their personal qualities, claim their success was undeserving, or claim that they manipulated their way into their position (Leahy,2015).

After achieving something, the person with hostile envy will look for your mistakes. These types will then magnify such mistakes and they will even say mean words to you. You often get affected with their deeds since they won’t stop until you will be emotionally hurt.

Schadenfreude is a German term composed of Schaden, that means “harm,” and Freude, that means “joy,” so the word Schadenfreude refers to the pleasure at another's misfortune.

Experts hypothesize that misfortune afflicting an envied person can bring pleasure because it makes the advantaged target less enviable, as well as removing the underlying envy (Saleh, 2019).

Is this healthy? Of course not! This condition is a skew in the psychological well-being of a person.

Schadenfreude is thought to be closely linked to Dark Triad traits (ie, narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy), as well as sensational interests, including those in guns, knives, true crime, the occult, and Nazism.

In reality, they are around us. They are members of your family, officemates, your boss, an acquaintance or even inside the circle of your friends.

Let us avoid these people. They often steal our sanity.

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