Friday, February 3, 2023

Leave Them!



Nalooy man gaod ako pagtan-aw sa ija samtang tag-isgan sija. Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another's suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.

When one feels the pain of being humiliated, the person understands how this can be felt inside. But there are those who are incapable of being compassionate.

According to Lonezak (2019), compassion is as vital to life as the air we breathe. For in the absence of compassion, how many benevolent, selfless and heroic deeds fail to happen throughout history?

What happens when you don’t feel it? Is it possible to lack compassion altogether? And if so, is this a sign of a mental health condition?

Being highly critical with others; unable to control emotions; immune or unaware of others’ feelings; accuse people of being highly-sensitive/emotional; over-reacting; behaving inappropriately and insensitively; can NOT be happy for others and have troubles in maintaining relationships are few symptoms of having lack of compassion.

People who lack empathy may have grown up around parents and other family members who had trouble regulating their own emotions or exhibited insensitivity or little compassion toward them. Or, they’ve dealt with other difficult situations that have caused them to shut down. A lack of compassion is also characteristic of personality disorders like narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder (Berlinsky-Schine, 2022).

Lacking the ability to feel, understand and resonate with another’s feelings is categorized as empathy deficit disorder (EDD). This results in difficulty forming and maintaining relationships for both the individual who lacks empathy and potential friends and loved ones.

Indeed, it is no wonder why people only have few friends that even their relatives are avoiding them.


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