Friday, August 18, 2023

Nothing But Gas!



Yay panhibay-anan!

There are those people who got threatened to others when they feel that they know better than them. Basic psychology tells us about insecurity, If these people are expected to lead, they then delegate and perform deflection.

Deflection is a tactic where someone avoids criticism or blame by shifting the focus or responsibility onto something or someone else.

This phenomenon happens when one over-delegates responsibilities. Leaders sometimes find delegation as an excuse when they are threatened by a task or they simply get away with the responsibility given to them.

Deflection is a psychological defense mechanism, which is essentially a way of protecting oneself from experiencing uncomfortable emotions like anxiety, pain, guilt, or distress, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist.

When can this thing become abusive?

When an individual uses deflection as a means of abuse, it is typically done in an effort to manipulate and control others. For example, a person who is constantly deflecting blame onto their partner for problems that they themselves are responsible for may be using this tactic as a way to maintain power over their partner (

Deflection as a form of abuse can also take on a more insidious form. Gaslighting, for example, is a type of deflection that is specific to emotional abuse. Gaslighting is a tactic used by abusers to make their victim doubt their own feelings, memories, and perceptions.

In the end, deflection and gaslighting are primarily caused by narcissism. That is why mental health has become a worldwide issue since those who are mentally-ill seem to dominate organizations and the society.

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