Friday, May 3, 2024




Motunga gajod an tinood na kolor…

Even with deliberate control, one’s character traits will always come to the surface. That is the main reason why parenting, good education and intellectual will must prevail.

Today, according to Ramsay (2023), the need for personal growth and development has become critical for anyone who wants to be socially respected. Cultivating essential character traits and exercising self-discipline are crucial components of this journey.

One’s character is what the person really is, while reputation is merely what others think of them. This speaks to the wisdom of developing mature character in all aspects of life. Reputation is simply how other people perceive others based on their actions and behavior. While reputation is important, it is ultimately outside of a person’s control.

We cannot control what others think of us, but we can control who we are and how we behave.

In these turbulent times, we have to focus on how we can affect to the society we are living rather than cause more turmoil to the lives of others. That is how we bring meaning to our existence.

Personality development refers to the process of developing, enhancing, and changing one's personality over time. Such development occurs naturally over the course of life, but it can also be modified through intentional efforts (Cherry, 2023).

It takes a great sense of self-awareness to be able to lead to maturation through intentional efforts. Without the concept of self-assessment, the willingness to change for the better won’t happen.

Freud not only theorized about how personality developed over the course of childhood, but he also developed a framework for how overall personality is structured. It is then important to examine the broken child in us for us to be able to heal and proceed to psychological maturation.

Chaotic episodes are present since character traits are stunted.

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