Saturday, October 5, 2019


close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone… All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity…Dust in the wind…All they are is dust in the wind… (Kansas)

It was like heaven, the inside of a taxi embraced you with the cold arms of the air-conditioning system. You surrendered to the cushioned seat and Kansas then started reminding you of your mortality. The worldly comforts of the seat and the waft of coldness vanished as you succumbed to introspection.

You remembered the ideal state you dreamed about. The sojourns to the places you fancy; the stories those strangers give when they whisper to your willing ears…The clothes and exotic food served before you matched with aperitif and godly desserts. You thought these were the meaningful stuff… But you were wrong. Life served you with the harshness of reality.

You realized that NOT all you want will turn into reality. The dreams shatter into pieces as you get bombarded with the selfish forces of the people surrounding you. Even how courageous you can be, there are those who are in power who will crush you. The envious ones also kill your spirit. They smear your hope with something pungent from their own deficits. You are left with nothing but the bitter taste of your fantasies…

Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea…All we do crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see…Dust in the wind…All we are is dust in the wind…

Then, you wanted to connect. You craved for the affection and affirmation of someone who can COMPLETE you. Lovers came and go. The gap inside continued to eat you up. It even created a chasm leading to an abyss. You then realized that the songs they are singing play the same beat. You ventured on different genre but failed to find the music which could quench the thirst of your existential angsts.

You then realize that you failed to journey within your own self. The loneliness and emptiness that you feel are by-products of the vague understanding of the person cringing inside.

Whatever the world brings, whoever is there, you will always feel empty since you do not know what you are craving for.

Now don't hang on…Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky…It slips away…And all your money won't another minute buy…

You attached yourself to the titles you can get. You competed for the accolade and recognition. But you feel that such things are still lacking. There is an unending craving for being on the top. You absent-mindlessly brushed aside the groans of pain of those you stepped on. What is important is the recognition, not those human beings around you. They are just pawns on your own battle.

But the trophies could not embrace you. Your titles could not comfort you when you get sick. The commendations won’t materialize into words of comfort once you will be pained. The things you desire most are simply…THINGS! Unfeeling, uncaring…

Dust in the wind… All we are is dust in the wind…

So what must you do to find the gold amidst the impending “dustiness”? Emily Esfahani Smith mentions in “The Power of Meaning” the following:

Belonging. When we are understood, recognized, and affirmed by friends, family members, partners, colleagues, and even strangers, we feel we belong to a community. Results from some studies—as well as end-of-life conversations—indicate that many people count their relationships as the most meaningful part of their lives, even when those relationships are difficult or strained… We then see the people around us as more important than things and recognition.

Purpose. When we have long-term goals in life that reflect our values and serve the greater good, we tend to imbue our activities with more meaning. Selfishness is confronted for the COMMON GOOD.

Transcendence. Experiences that fill us with awe or wonder—ones in which “we feel we have risen above the everyday world to experience a higher reality,” according to Smith—can decrease our self-focus and lead us to engage in more generous, helpful behavior. It may seem counter intuitive in some ways; but the diminishing of our own self-importance can induce a sense of meaning.

These, you see, might be effective. Living a life focused on competing with others could resort to nonsensical existence. The SELF is preserved for OTHERS. We need to see the importance of such thoughts since…

Everything is dust in the wind.


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