Wednesday, January 18, 2023

You Freak!



Uman ilugos mo man an IMO gusto? Have you met people who insist on doing something which they think as THE BEST thing to do? They often believe that they have the monopoly of knowledge. If you do not do their thing, you will then be labelled as INEFFICIENT.

Some other people are skilled at controlling other people. They have an autocratic, demanding style of interacting. They like to command others to behave according to their wishes. These may be changing whims––one thing one minute, another the next. They commonly want gratification by other people of their own needs or desires (Adams, 2022).

In the late 1960’s, the term “Control Freak” was coined. The term is then directed to people who tend to control even the minutest things in the surrounding. These people are all over – the offices, the homes, the circle of friends and definitely everywhere.

According to Parvez (2021), control freaks have a strong need to control others because they believe they lack control themselves. So excessive need to control means the person is lacking control somehow in their own life.

Instead of regaining control over the thing they lost control over in the first place, some people try to regain control over others.

If someone tries to control situations or other people to an unhealthy extent, others may describe them as a controlling person. They may try to control a situation by taking charge and doing everything themselves or control others through manipulation, coercion, threats, and intimidation.

A wounded grandiose self-image is a symptom of what Freud and other psychologists call a narcissistic wound. A narcissistic wound or wounds suffered earlier in life can be so deep, that the person experiencing them no longer has a healthy ego strength. Without their constant cultivation of perfection, they feel they are just the broken little boy or girl that was injured so long ago (Felton, 2021).

It goes back to childhood once again. Reflections and self-assessment really help. If we cannot control ourselves, there is a great danger that we might control others.

Sometimes people try to assert power over others and control situations. In other cases, it may be to assert dominance. In this case, it is a form of abuse.

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